Discussion for article #238606
Yeah, right, with opponents like Trump it will be tough going…
Uh huh. Make sure that Carly gets that memo. Wouldn’t want her to waste a whole buncha money for nothing.
This for the gop/bag idiots that stand against everything that pertains to advancement of women!
Like, equal pay for equal work, access to birth control, a woman’s right to choose, etc., etc.
Nice try sparky.
“And I think inevitably, Hillary Clinton’s campaign will be four more years of the last eight.”
That’s the best argument FOR electing Hilary I’ve heard!
Mitch McConnell in lust.
He’s not wrong. But Mitch is rather banking on the idea that Hillary is running solely on gender issues.
What’s so silly about this statement is that almost no one who supports Hillary is thinking of her first of all as a “woman.” At least that’s not what leaps to mind. On our minds is what her policies will be. And if McConnell is right that her first four years “would be a continuation of the last eight years”–then yippee!! That’s what we want.
McConnell is right. Americans want a new direction. They are sitting home thinking “You know what? CEOs could really use a tax break. They’re really struggling. Also, I don’t want this health insurance anymore. I wish someone would repeal the law that gave it to me. And you know what really gets under my skin? Not enough oil drilling in national parks! And too much focus on renewable energy! Let’s get rid of all these wind farms and solar panels and Tesla cars! And the stock market is TOO DAMN HIGH!”
What a typical republican thing to say. They see everything through an ethno/gender-centric lens. Only white males are worthy of power and influence and women couldn’t possibly be smart or qualified enough for the job, unless of course white men are forced to give the job to a woman to meet a quota or something.
Listen, Chester, Hillary is 100times the human, the politician, the leader you could ever dream of being. In other words, stfu and get back failing.
He’s right. She will get there because she is far and away the most qualified person currently running, who just happens to be a woman.
A SenileMutantNOnjaTurtle needs love .
The head profile is astoundingly Mitch-like.
“Playing the gender card” is just the latest buzzword(s) vomited up by the Mighty Wurlitzer. Good little lackey that he is, McConnell is just following the script. Mark my words, he is not the last Rethug who will be parroting this line. In fact, I’m pretty sure I’ve already read an article today using this exact phrase. The GOP is nothing but predictable.
He’s going for the mysoginist vote.
Well, Yertle isn’t likely to win playing the turtle card, either