Discussion: Missouri School Districts Send Staffers To Concealed Weapons Training

Discussion for article #224262

If my teachers had been armed, I would not have made it out of the third grade.


“OK, settle down, class. I SAID settle down!!” (opens jacket to reveal Glock). Are any of you punks feelin’ lucky this morning?"


Were I a parent in that state, I’d withdraw my child from school immediately. Where guns are present, innocent people are shot, by a wide, wide statistical margin. This is not in dispute.


10 school districts in the state at a cost of $17,500 each
hahaha… oh man, what a sweet scam for a week’s worth of jerking off… 5 hrs of ‘training’; and then standing around while these newly trained wyatt earps practice .
would love to know how many of these schools have denied children lunches because their parents didn’t have the $10 to pay for them…


And Shield Solutions will then market their success at keeping schools safe by the fact the there have been no school shootings at schools they are “protecting.” And for only $17,500 you too can have two trained staffers (whatever that means) that are required to have no experience, save that they can shoot with a 90% accuracy! Sign up now! For a “small” additional fee we’ll also mount a .50 cal at all exits and train more staffers to “protect” your school! ($8750 plus hardware) Buy now for a volume discount!!! Still worried? We’ll install full body scanners, plus we’ll have specially trained former TSA agents feel up you students. ($180,000 + training) Still not enough? We’ll move your school to an unused supermax facility. Just think! Xray machines, body scanners, strip searches, full body cavity searches, plus video surveillance! (Call for pricing.) ORDER NOW, for nothing says education, like a fully armed and operational battle station!


And when the Police arrive to handle an incident, they’ll all be wearing jackets that say “I’m a good guy with a gun”.


My kid would NEVER go to school there.

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I think anyone who’s ever been to school knows that exactly the wrong kind of person is going to go for this training. We’ve all had teachers who really didn’t seem to like kids at all. Hostile, borderline (sometimes across the border) assaultive. Maybe they’ve gotten better at weeding them out since my own school days. I sure as hell hope so. And that Buie has it exactly right: There isn’t enough training in the world to make a teacher into a SWAT person. Even if the average cop rarely confronts a gun, he or she deals fairly often with dicey situations where it’s a challenge to keep a level head, be aware of what’s happening and respond appropriately. Most of the rest of us have never even been in a serious fistfight, much less deadly combat. It’s nuts.

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I would be curious to know if the insurance rates in these districts are rising. That might be a main factor in curbing this madness.

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And we’ll pass a law saying that only “good guys” will be allowed to wear those jackets.

PS: We’re still trying to sort out the gender issue inherent in the “good guys” label.

And if I had been armed my first year as a teacher, I’d probably just be getting out of jail now.


Trained and armed teachers. Being well-trained and armed worked so well for those cops in Las Vegas, what could go wrong?

“We would be asking school officials, trained as educators, to make a quick transition from teacher to SWAT member, arrive on the scene, assess the situation, overcome the severe nervousness that naturally accompanies a deadly force incident and take immediate action before blood is shed,” Buie said, as quoted by the Star. “It’s a bit more than you can cover in a typical teacher in-service.”

Mr. Buie, we should just place paper targets on each child and be done with it in your opinion? What you have in mind is just more of the same of an old policy that’s obvious has failed more times than one can count. Thanks for your input but you are one of the main causes these school shootouts are successful.

Competent gun handling isn’t something that comes from a one-time training course. If school districts want their staffers to remain proficient, they’ll need continuing target practice, plus continual simulations in likely shooting situations, plus training in conflict resolution. If the districts aren’t willing to spring for that much of a commitment, they’re just asking for a tragedy.

Missouri in competition with other armed-school-faculty

to be the first faculty-on-student death in the country.

BTW : Who gets the ‘training’ proceeds?
And are the 'trainers" subsidized by the NRA?

Shield Solutions are a giant ripoff. That amount of money is stand up stupid. If it is taxpayer money the sky is the limit? At least they are taking steps besides blaming law abiding gun owners. Gun free zones make handy targets for the mental cases that are out to commit suicide anyway. These teachers can abide them before they shoot innocent children. Good for Missouri schools for using their head rather than stupid mouths.

"Clay-ess. Clay-ess.


Jeezus tapdancing Christ.

Teachers are already treated and paid as second-class citizens. Now we have to be soldiers as well, for no extra pay I imagine?

Dystopia is on its way.

I give it six months max (after the school years starts) until there’s a deadly shootout between teachers and students. So that gives us in middle January, 2015.

America should be proud. Because FreeDumb is now totally institutionalized [in the South].

On another note - how does SYG apply to school kids?? Can a scared kid legally shoot and kill a teacher if they feel threatened?