Discussion: Missouri GOP Official: Injecting Race Into Ferguson Debate 'Is Not Helpful'

You are wrong, you ignorant troll! You are not responsible enough to vote or comment!

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Apparently there was only 12% turnout in the last election from Ferguson residents. They may be waking up to the fact that they have power in their votes. Go for it! Register away!

The GOP’s psychology is so sadly neurotic: they manage to make their worst fears come true by being so fixated on them that they bring them on. Afraid of medical insurance reform? make claims against it that are so outrageous that get debunked and make the insurance reform even stronger.

Afraid of ‘the coming race war’? Well, make sure you overreact with excessive force against peaceful demonstrators. Then see the results. (Apparently Egypt is, mimicking the US’ warning to them re their crackdown on Islamic militants, telling us to take it easy in Ferguson.)

And so afraid that black and brown people might vote, they cause these people to get their backs up and come out to vote in unprecedented droves.

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I took the liberty of editing your question. And the answer to the new question is yes.

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My Republican Uncle is a very very old man in a very red state. I get emails from him occasionally. A little while ago, when race was injected into the dominant story of the moment (after Trayvon, before this…take your pick), he came forward with an explanation that really took me aback, made me realize we would never understand where each other is coming from.

He said, “Of course I’m a racist. Everyone is a racist. We’re all racists. But I’m being honest.”

I don’t know what to call that. An appeal for cover? Projecting his beliefs onto The Entire World? A notion that he is Honest in addition to being racist, which somehow makes the racism more noble in his willingness to confront it?

I don’t know. I’ve seen this idea a bit, but once someone has it deep in their psyche I don’t know how it can be shaken loose. It certainly hasn’t voluntarily come unstuck in people without a lot of work.

So yeah, @magical_panda, you nailed it. Saying and doing racist things are what some subset of people inevitably do when trying to talk about race, which is why it angers and confuses them that they don’t know how to have that conversation with anyone other than co-conspirators.


We heard it first in the Mississippi Senate race. Now again in Ferguson. It might as well be in their platform now; Republicans are disgusted by the thought of black people voting.

Voting is what Sharpton and Rev Jackson need to hammer on.Forget all their other crap. I do realize Sharpton brought voting up a few days ago. There needs to be a bigger emphasis on voting whenever someone talks into a microphone there.

But the overall turnout numbers for Ferguson’s mayoral and city council election are discouraging. This year, just 12.3% of eligible voters cast a ballot, according to numbers provided by the county. In 2013 and 2012, those figures were even lower: 11.7% and 8.9%
respectively. As a rule, the lower the turnout, the more the electorate skews white and conservative. “I think there is a huge distrust in the system,” said Broadnax, a Ferguson native. Many blacks think: “Well it’s not going to matter anyway, so my one vote doesn’t count,” she said. “Well, if you get an entire community to individually feel that way, collectively we’ve already lost.”


Yes, but I guess that’s because you (and everyone else) has their eyes closed during all of the reporting of the ongoing tragedy of voter registration amongst the tear gas, batons and rubber bullets.

What the ever-loving hell?

“Injecting” race into the story?

And voter registration is a provocation? That statement, right there, tells me a whole hell of a lot about the Missouri GOP.

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Registering voters is a good idea. A low percentage of people in Ferguson vote, so naturally the police force will not be representative. It isn’t about race, it’s about democracy, which even the GOP must honor.

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Actually, “all their other crap” ties into the very reasons why people need to vote. It’s not enough to simply say “go vote”. People need to be told WHY they need to vote, and most of the issues Jackson and Sharpton talk about are the types of issues that drive black voters to the polls.

Good- vote out the fascist thugs in charge there. And why is anyone paying attention to Brietbart? they don’t report, they make shit up.

[quote] “This is not just a tragedy for the African American community, this is a tragedy for the Missouri community as well as the community of what we call America,” Matt Wills, Missouri Republican Party executive director, told Breitbart News. “Injecting race into this conversation and into this tragedy, not only is not helpful, but it doesn’t help a continued conversation of justice and peace.” [/quote]  Uhh, it’s MUCH MORE of a “tragedy” for the Black American community than for the Missouri community - but the real problem is that racists like YOU don’t see it that way. To YOU it’s just another dead, criminal subhuman nigger. And YOU totally fail to see it as the racial issue that it is.

And what is this crap using “Breitbart” and “News” in the same paragraph? Breitbart is news like batshit is good, nutritional food that Tour de France cyclists eat on their rides.

[quote] Wills’s comments came in the context of the Breitbart report that “liberal organizers” had established voter registratio booths amid the ongoing Ferguson protests. [/quote]  Hey dipshit - THIS is how America works. Vote the phuqers out and change your community.

Because it won’t happen any other way.

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There’s nothing like voter registration to fan the political flames. It certainly did in the 60’s. My question is… why shouldn’t political flames be fanned?

There is absolutely nothing wrong in registering voters at Ferguson or anywhere else. The polls and ballot box are best way to take care of political grievances.


Yes. How uppity of those blacks to have a say on who the mayor and Police Chief, the current ones who seem beyond oblivious, are.

Maybe I missed something, but what has richardnixonhuberthumphrey posted that makes him an ignorant troll?


What he meant to say is: Registering voters amid protests is smart. Really smart. GOTV Ferguson!

Sharpton carries the baggage of Tawana Brawley and the false rape accusations against the Duke lacrosse players from years ago. I personally like a lot of what Sharpton says and stands for, and yes, he does preach about voting occasionally, but does not emphasize it enough. Jackson also has his own baggage with affairs. Wish Jackson would’ve made headlines talking about voting instead of fanning the flames with his “state sanctioned murder” comment. I just wish someone the black youth could respect and listen to along the order of a moderate, yet passionate Malcolm X would steal some of the limelight from Sharpton and Jackson. Even Denzel Washington, Spike Lee, or some raper like Snoop Dog would be a vast improvement.

Added: Jesse Jackson was actually booed off the stage after he asked for donations:

And if the Rethuglicans had done the same at the Bundy Ranch, Matt Wills, Missouri Republican Party, would have said what…?

This is the real voter fraud.

That’s a fairly large 5% that doesn’t support it then.

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