I’m sure that there has never been any Republican voter registration booth at any Tea Party rally ever.
As though Republicans aren’t all over St. Louis registering people in white communities. Dog whistle.
How DARE the Democrats do this! This is for REPUBLICANS only!
Mr. Wills then took a moment to listen to his favorite song, Ivory and Ivory.
A 16% voter turn is not going to get it done, The ballot box is the best way to change things.
No kidding. There was no better example of this today than seeing the Ferguson mayor tell Tamron Hall that there is no racial divide in Ferguson and then went on to whitesplain that 95% of the community supports what they’re doing.
Voting While Black is very inappropriate to every Republican.
Too bad we can’t inject vision and brains into blind, thoughtless politicians…
Say goodbye, Beej.
At this point, is there any reliable differential diagnostic that might allow us to distinguish the GOP from the Ku Klux Klan?
I hope it’s becoming very clear to the people of Ferguson that apathy toward voting is one of the things that made this situation possible. And I sincerely hope that the movement there will produce some great community leaders who will go on to challenge current elected officials.
I was concerned that this dust up would benefit the wingers by using ‘Scary Blacks’ to push Whites to the right. Perhaps this will go the other way, kindling the fervor of the 60s Civil Rights movement. If this goes national it could take care of the so called ‘Enthusiasm Gap’.
How disgusting to channel anger into political action.
TPM, kindly forward the EndTheNightmare’s IP address to the US Secret Service.
No, I’m not kidding. That is an overt incitement to assassination.
Other commenters, please flag.
Hm. My reaction was that someone showed genius in getting people to register to vote. Voting out the white power structure in Ferguson is the peaceful way to approach change and empower people.
But then, lately the Republican party hasn’t been much about peace for anything or anyone.
If the citizens of Ferguson become more engaged in participatory democracy that will be a silver lining to this tragic situation.
In addition to the obviously non-representative make-up of the elected leaders and law enforcement in their community, the GOP Representative for this district has voted to block any reduction in transfers of military hardware to local law enforcement.
Mr. Matt Wills, may I ask you a question? As a middle-class, suburban White man living in Portland, Oregon, what in the world is so bad or wrong about “injecting race” into this issue? You say race is not the most important aspect, and I think you are right. What is important is the matter of life and death of helpless civilians at the mercy of armed authorities who have hatred for the civilians – all civilians of all colors. This is about hate, and the use of hate as an excuse to execute innocent people.
So, Mr. Wills, do you not care about human life of any kind? Or do you want to keep bemoaning some minor detail that does not matter to all us living American huiman beings?
Politics is WHAT THIS COUNTRY IS ABOUT. Politics is what the Constitution and the Bill of Rights were designed to facilitate. You. dumbass.
Shorter GOP: (Black) people in Ferguson not being registered to vote is proof positive that (black) people in Ferguson are not responsible enough to be permitted to register to vote.
Mr. Wills, do all of your Republican voters think the same way you do? Do you know that Blacks, Gays, immigrants, the poor and the unemployed are among your voters? Why does your GOP cater to the rich and the White more than anyone else? When will your voters wake up and realize they need and deserve better congressmen in their Republican party?