Discussion for article #243445
How am I supposed to protect myself with a coat hanger?
I’m now a huge fan of Missouri state Rep. Stacey Newman. She reminds me of the good people I know in Missouri… nice to read about them for a change.
She forgot to include a sonogram wand prostate examination.
“its the thought that counts…”
Now that is some prime quality trolling !
It’s a good attention-getter, but of course won’t go anywhere. Hell, I’d be happy with the same operator rules and licensing requirement that we apply to drivers and licensing/titling requirements for the guns themselves as we do to cars and drivers, but of course that’ll never happen either.
I like this lady. I wish she’d move to Maine.
I think I’m in love!
LOL. This is more than perfect.
A wand like the scope of an AK47? or the butt of a rifle?
The butt-end of the rifle … make it a challenge. Make 'em really want it!!
Terrific! Go for it! Show those hypocrites up for what they are!
Do gun dealers have to have admitting privileges at a local funeral home?
Oh dear. Is it wrong that I am smiling?
The bill was pre-filed for the 2016 session, which begins in January, and is unlikely to get traction.
So far, no mention of this on MSM sites, just a few blogs and local papers. So, yeah, kinda hard to get traction when you’re being almost totally ignored. I assume house members have been advised not to say anything so they don’t turn it into a national story.
Finally a Missouri state politician speaks out…
Sounds reasonable.
I agree… and I would hope that we could just get the same rules to apply to gun purchases… as we do for driving an automobile. Now that makes sense…