Discussion: Missouri Bill Will Define Sex Between Lobbyists And Lawmakers As 'Gift'

Discussion for article #244391

Dollar valuation is put on sex all the time. Why not here?


So, legal prostitution just as long as you report it…after the fact? I mean, they are declaring sex a “gift”, with no monetary value associated.

Someone really needs to improve this story and insert an amendment requiring monetary value BE associated with it…like any other gift :stuck_out_tongue:


Can we get a look at these lobbyists and lawmakers before we go all-in on THIS kind of visibility?


Go check Ashley Madison/escort website…

I’m sure there are $ amounts for sex…kinky or otherwise.

Lobbyists are just pimps for big industry… there must be some kind of ratio for deals::laws.


I am more inclined to support a law that requires Missouri lawmakers, and all other lawmakers, to report sex with their constituents in the context of when they’re fucking them with their legislation.


State Rep. Bart Korman’s ® proposal would define the sexual relationship as a “gift” on monthly ethics disclosures.

This could get tricky, since word is out Verleen's BJs are worthless.

This should add lots to transparency. Ha-Ha!

But a BJ is a job… like many Republican jobs- created.

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Do lawmakers have to submit buccal swabs ?

If not, I think they should - - and weekly drug/blood alcohol tests.

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For purposes of subdivision (2) of this subsection, the term “knobbyist” shall include registered lobbyists and participating members of the general assembly.


Thus legalizing prostitution for Missouri legislators. Nice. Hopefully all MO citizens will be granted the same right.


Based on the appearance and demeanor of some of the legislators, I’m inclined to agree that to have sex with them is giving them a gift.

The legislators should be required to report any incidents as unearned income.

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"proposal would define the sexual relationship as a “gift”

That’s the way I always viewed it: gift giving.

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Relations between married persons or between persons who entered into a relationship prior to the registration of the lobbyist, the election of the member to the general assembly, or the employment of the staff person shall not be reportable under this subdivision.

Why not? Does the lobbyist and lawmaker/staffer being married or dating some how make the relationship less relevant as a possible influence on the lawmaker/staffer?


Does it include fantasies?

I feel the legislation would be more ‘effective’ if not just fantasies were provided out, but also with a clear and comprehensive glossary, tasteful illustrations, a suggested price point or at least range of talking points, an alphabetic index, and a boulian-based searchable database, all organized around some standardized system like the Dewey Decimal.

Also, if things are to get this comprehensive, we need to step up and be adults about this and just acknowledge that there WILL be blood - and other fluid discharges, along with active lobbying. So, we might just as well provide for now, in advance of the inevitable bureaucratic and lobby industry build-up, an orderly expansion of the ACA, a doubling (at least) of the funding going to Planned Parenthood (for a ‘Planned Naughtyhood’ division), a specialized branch at the Atlanta Center for Disease Control, and lobbyist registry facility (for “KY Street”).

If we’re going all out for government screw jobs, let’s at least make the effort to have it all as transparent and safe as possible.

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What is it about Conservatives and their unhealthy obsession with everyone else’s sex lives?

Freud would have a field day…


I’m a liberal and I don’t want lobbyists sleeping with legislators.
Legislators should be acting in the public interest, not in the interest
of corporate lobbyists.

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The question begs itself to be asked: Define “Sexual Relations”…

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But is it really anyone else’s damned business?

I mean, c’mon.

While we’re at it-- why don’t we make legislators detail out their sex lives overall, why limit it to lobbyists? That would be value-add-- detailing which of the “family values” guys aren’t so much on their personal time.