Mississippi, huh? He shouldn’t treat his sister like that.
MS Dems should portray this as the direction of the local GOP. First they come after your reproductive rights and now they’re accepting of having and supporting a wife beater. Women take notice.
Drunken wife-beating because she didn’t get her panties down quick enough?
Didn’t even have to read to know there’d be an ® after the name…
Is that all???
Look at that hunk. Who wouldn’t want to strip off for him? Huh, ladies?
I just heard about this incident this morning and I find it particularly disturbing. He beat her up for not undressing quick enough so he could have sex with her. It’s bad enough that he punched her, but he did it because he was angry that she wasn’t complying fast enough.
How come another woman has a room in his house? Does he have two sisters?
Seriously…never heard of just pushing them to the side? Republicans are so uncreative…
Yup, yup.
Have we reached the abyssal plain of GOP depravity yet?
Doubt it…
Good Lord!
I wonder if he was in law enforcement before becoming a wife beating drunk politician?
Hey Don Jr. and Daddy Dumbshit this is what hell is.
There’s no bottom to this oubliette.
I am afraid that is the case.
McLeod was charged with misdemeanor violence.
This looks like aggravated assault to me. But then again, …
Gee, as Trump would’ve told you, if you want sex immediately, don’t look to your wife.
Probably. There does seem to be a correlation.
Also, can we not make this about MS? Women get beaten up by their drunk husbands in Manhattan, San Francisco, Los Angeles, Chicago, and Portland, OR. This isn’t somehow unique to the deep south.
And these are the people the press browbeat Hillary into apologizing for calling deplorable.
She was probably taking her time hoping that he would simply pass out before she had to touch him.