Discussion: Mississippi Attorney General: No Same-Sex Marriages Allowed Yet

Discussion for article #237931

A hissisissippi…


That’s brilliant. So far MS and TX A.G.'s are speaking defiantly, pouting and stomping their feet like little children.

Evidently, those two A.G.'s have never studied the supremacy clause of the Constitution: that is, the law of the land supercedes any state law or contravening court order or stay. Guess they were absent that day in law school when it was taught.


OK Jade Helm MUST start in Misssssspi, then take out TXAG.

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Nice hair, jagoff.

Oh, everybody calm the fuck down. Procedurally, he’s absolutely right. The Supreme Court didn’t dissolve the Fifth Circuit’s injunction, it has to lift it itself, and any official who ignores it is subject to being held in contempt of court. There are plenty of cases where people have been punished for ignoring injunctions that were wrongfully entered–entered even without jurisdiction–and the hard-right Fifth Circuit is just the bunch to do it, just out of wingnnut spite.


Yeah. I strongly suspect this will be lifted by Monday at the latest. The Fifth are a bunch of dweebs sometimes, but this was a pretty textbook reversal. They didn’t send it back to be reargued, they overturned it. Easy peasy. I’m personally keeping an eye on Alabama, not Mississippi. Roy Moore will most definitly order the clerks there not to issue licenses. Let’s see what the Fifth does then with him.


Yes, but if the Fifth Circuit drags it’s feet it is a hissy fit. That hasn’t happened yet.

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Um, the Supremes not only lifted the stay, they shot it into orbit. It’s somewhere around Venus by now, Jim.

It’s called the SUPREME Court, not the ‘When We Get Around To It’ Court.

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In fact, they didn’t. Technically, this only addressed the 6th circuit, so I believe those rulings are overturned immediately. It’s a bit past my level of understanding, so someone more legally trained than I might have to explain it further.

And never let it be said that liberals missed an opportunity to engage in preemptive outrage. I’m still furious at Obama for gutting Social Security.



Hood said that the 5th Circuit Court of Appeals must first lift its stay on issuing same-sex licenses.

Hey Jackass, SCOTUS overrides the 5th Circuit.

Edited To Add: Okay, I see a few posters with better legal credentials than my none have weighed in conceding Hood’s point, so I’ll accept their judgement. But I still think he’s a jackass.

It’s quite possible that someone with standing in the circuit has to ask the court to do the right thing. But it’s also possible that anyone who doesn’t issue a license would have liability for any damages caused by failure to do so…

Hey, don’t mock. I’m still pretty annoyed that the President even put it on the chopping block, even if only to execute a Lucy pull-away when Boehner’s Charlie Brown tried to get it back past the expiration date.

We’re Democrats. We’re supposed to be talking about how to expand SS benefits, not offering it up for more cuts and saying, “Please, sir, may I have another?”

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Now Entering Mississippi: Set Your Clocks Back 200 Years

When a marriage ends amicably in Mississippi, the couple is just glad they can still be siblings.


“Hood said that the 5th Circuit Court of Appeals must first lift its stay on issuing same-sex licenses.”

No it mustn’t. That stay was obviated and rendered moot and illegal by this decision. It has been lifted by operation of law and requires zero action on the part of the 5th Circuit.

I disagree with your analysis, counsel. Granted, neither of us is wielding precedent here and I’m not going to bother looking for it. As for people violating wrongfully issued injunctions being held in contempt, well yeah, there’s a procedure for challenging the injunction while it still stands and you don’t just get to ignore it if you personally declare it wrongful…even if you’re right. But here, this is an injunction previously issued rendered inarguably and totally illegal by a subsequent ruling of the SCOTUS. I don’t believe for a second that a contempt action would lie.

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Sorry sparky, you have NO say in the matter.

Because waiting a few more days or weeks, whatever, makes the Mississippi AG and statehouse look so much more principled. Their loss will really set in this way and be highlighted by possibly being the last refuge of inequality scoundrels.

It isn’t as if anyone has high expectations coming from this state or that they have some high standards to maintain, because they don’t.
Mississippi’s claims to fame are ignorance, intolerance, inequality, obesity, and harsh racism. They also aren’t exactly the shining example of providing healthcare to their people.

Same sex marriage is a step in the right direction compared to same family marriage, they should look at it like that.

Nope, sorry. I continue to mock. Because in the minds of furious furies of the left, it was a thing they deemed had as good as happened, and had therefore already happened, even when it was clear to any rational observer it would never happen and had been offered solely for the purpose of demonstrating to the human centipede that is the Village media and to the voters who don’t pay attention that the gridlock was being caused by the Republicans’ Massive Resistance campaign.