Discussion: Minnesota Governor Calls NFL Star's Child Abuse 'A Public Embarrassment' To The State

Discussion for article #227751

I can’t get over the fact the child’s nutsack had an open wound. That’s some sadistic shit. Maybe AP needs to lay off the HGH.


Before anyone questions Gov. Dayton’s “right” to comment on this…

“Dayton was instrumental in securing public financing for the Vikings’ new $1 billion stadium, which will open in 2016.”

So what?

If you work to bring jobs and a sports team to your town, that means they’ve somehow magically given you and the citizens a permanent guarantee that they’ll always, in every manner, be perfect upstanding members of the community?

Adrian Peterson is a POS, granted. But to pile on the Governor? That’s pretty shallow…

It’s probably safe to assume that Peterson was ‘disciplined’ in the same way. Children who are victims and witnesses of abuse tend to repeat the abuse cycle with their partners and children. I’m not trying to excuse Peterson, but maybe it’s better to understand than condemn outright. I hope Peterson gets some kind of diversion program, which includes some parenting education. Also, I don’t want to offend, but there are still many Christians (I think Peterson is a Christian) that believe that the Bible has a mandate for corporal punishment. Spare the rod and spoil the child and all that.


Reading comprehension isn’t your forte, is it?

You CAn’t BEaT yoUr Wife. You Can’t beat Your KIds. All wE Have LEft IS standing OUR grouND and BEating strangERs. And LIBtards WILL proBABLy that THAT awaY too!1!!1!!one!!!1!!


Lets make a mental video of the beating of Petersons four year old.

Close your eyes as the young child hands the branch stripped of leaves to Peterson.
Then imagine Peterson hitting him numerous times all over his body with the youngster
attempting to block the strikes with his hands only to have a brief interruption so Peterson
could stuff leaves in his mouth to quite the screams. Imagine the switch rapping around
his thighs and striking and cutting his scrotum. Imagine a video showing 20 plus strikes
nearly all of which leave welts and at least 5 break the skin.

Now tell me if that video played in the NFL Commissioners office if Peterson would be
allowed to play?


Michelle Bachman is an embarrassment to Minnesota.

The SS re-enactors’ annual holiday dinners in Minneapolis are an embarrassment to Minnesota.

Both are homegrown.

Adrian Peterson’s abusive switching of his child in Texas is not an embarrassment to Minnesota. He is an out-of-state employee of a private enterprise based in Minnesota.

The Wilfs, who own the Vikings, should be an embarrassment to Minnesota.

Public financing for a billion-dollar stadium to subsidize billionaire owners within the multi-billion dollar, tax-exempt, NFL evil empire should be an embarrassment to Minnesota.


I’ll shorten it up for you - Peterson is a sadist and a thug.

And he gets my vote back after I swore him off for the medical cannibus veto. It is an embarrassment. Peterson should be banned from the NFL.

In his statement, Peterson has already said he was wrong, did not intend to cause the injuries and regrets them, and is getting psychological advice about alternative ways to discipline his kids.

He’s also made two voluntary statements to the grand jury investigating this without a lawyer present.

I think the system is working and the public should butt its scandal-seeking noses out of the Peterson family.

And I’ve said before that as a Packers fan, nothing would please me more than Peterson retiring or quitting the game to take up painting. But this media circus is ridiculous.

Dog fighting, bullying, head injuries, wife beating, child abuse…it’s all good. It’s what we do in the south.

Adrian Peterson needs some serious therapy -

Four year old boy misbehaves …
misbehavior gets Adrian Peterson pissed off
Adrian Peterson releases his anger by whipping the naked four year old boy

Peterson may honor & respect his parents - but he needs to recognize that just because he experienced & survived this type of abusive behavior, it does not justify perpetrating this on the next generation. It may explain why he is drawn to do it - but does not justify it - ever.

Are you kidding, Mark?

The Vikings have been an embarrassment to Minnesota LONG before Peterson was even born:

You’ve heard of helicopter parenting, well this is helicopter gunship parenting…

That’s a very charitable reading of what Peterson said. He didn’t actually say he was wrong. The closest I see to that is this:

“I have to live with the fact that when I disciplined my son the way I was disciplined as a child, I caused an injury that I never intended or thought would happen.”

Really? That just stretches credulity. How many lashes did he give the child before he realized the wounds he was causing?

He also offered a not so subtle defense of this kind of discipline, saying it helped him succeed:

“But deep in my heart I have always believed I could have been one of those kids that was lost in the streets without the discipline instilled in me by my parents and other relatives. I have always believed that the way my parents disciplined me has a great deal to do with the success I have enjoyed as a man.”

I disagree with Dayton in one regard: I think Peterson should be inactive rather than suspended while his case is pending. The Vikings can keep paying him until he has his day in court. He can be with the team and practice. But in the meantime it’s unseemly for them to use him in games.

How does anyone even begin to cheer for Peterson? Seriously, Go child beater GO!

What if Peterson gets racked in the nuts, does anyone care or do they cheer for that as well?

Minnesota can lose without him.