Discussion: Million-Dollar Salaries Don't Save Jennifer Lawrence From Wage Gap

Discussion for article #241703

Good for her for addressing this. My bet is she will be branded “difficult” and “bossy” like Elaine in Seinfeld for just speaking openly of this. Not sure any of this will impact favorably the struggling single mom in a low wage job, but before anything can change, there must be a spotlight on the problem for all to see.


Was she cowardly enough to use an *?

American Hustle is one of my favorite films, and she all the rest of the actors were terrific. However, actors of both genders get paid far too much even if the film they crank out is shit. Ultimately we who buy tickets at the box office pay them. Perhaps we could just send Lawrence a check and shut her up because she’s annoying without her actress hat on…

Again, this might have NOTHING to do with my vagina

While many of us have seen selfies of your vagina, there is probably a reason your are being paid less than men and it is institutional and not between your legs.

I’m all for gender equality in terms of pay, but I’m going to go out on a limb here and say this is akin to the whole “first world problems” thing.

You want equal treatment with respect to your pay, Fappening?

Here it is: I have ZERO fucks to give about your pay parity or disparity if you’re making 8 figures…male or female. Period.

The very last fucking thing I want to hear about is how horrible the pay disparity is in Hollywood, Land of the Golden Brainfart. We’ll no doubt be hearing all about it now, because the MSM has a ridiculous hardon for Fappening, all while everyone ignores the reality of gender pay disparities where it really counts. Oh those poor poor Hollywood whackjobs…the horror…


She’s worth $60 million. Pretty sure she’s not going to do women any good by complaining she doesn’t get her piece of the pie. Maybe she should spend some time volunteering for a woman’s shelter, or something else that has actual societal value.


Pay in general, regardless of gender or anything else, should be transparent. It would inspire those who make less to better themselves to make more, and expose those who make too much without producing results.


You are correct that Lawrence was excellent, but Amy Adams was atrocious.

Dont like the pay scale? Maybe she can find a better paying gig.

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So… since actors of both genders are overpaid, it’s perfectly OK for female actors to be less overpaid than their male counterparts?


“For some reason, I just can’t picture someone saying that about a man.”

Yes, our insulting language for people who piss us off sometimes tends to be different depending on the gender of the target. Whoopty doo. I’m sure “talentless pretty-boy” and “heartthrob meathead” and “overrated walking set of abs” have come up before if Hollywood is anywhere near as creative as it claims to be. I mean, just look at buffoons like Channing Tatum and Ryan Reynolds, who couldn’t act their way through a school play.


Simple solution is to work for Scale +25% and get paid on the upside with points if the film is a success. See this general model with Bruce Willis and THE SIXTH SENSE.

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No, that’s only in the headline. The quote (even in the same article w/the * in the headline) is “When the Sony hack happened and I found out how much less I was being paid than the lucky people with dicks, I didn’t get mad at Sony.”

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No, and that’s not even what I was trying to say in my first post. I just couldn’t give a fuck at that point. There’s a difference. And, frankly, some gagillionaire Hollywood diva complaining about it to draw attention to pay discrepancies in Hollywood, is only going to function as a giant distraction from where it happens that actually matters. It’s akin to the “don’t say the shooter’s name” crap. We’ll have the MSM and people all talking about those poor poor hardworking Hollywood actresses and the unfair treatment they’re getting from Sony and the rest, while nobody cares or does a goddamn thing to lift a finger to fix it or put pressure on employers anywhere else or in any other industry…and it will thereby function as our “feel good” fix of the problem. Yay!!! We made sure that Hollywood divas are receiving the right 8 figures instead of the wrong 8 figures!!! Victory for all of womenkind!!! Meanwhile, working women in the rest of society see no change, get no attention and nobody gives a fuck because, well, we already fixed it all when we fixed Hollywood, didn’t we?

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Dude, ease up. She made a point of saying “I don’t need the money, but I’m seeing that this thing happened to me and it has me reflecting on the larger issue of this as a systemic, societal problem for women generally at all wage levels that affects the ones who really do need the money and don’t get it.” I mean, that was the whole tone here.


Yes. I don’t see why this is a difficult concept to understand.

Actor A’s movies average $100 mil at the box office. He gets $10 mil.
Actor B’s movie’s average $50 mil at the box office. He gets $5 mil.
Actress C’s movies average $20 mil at the box office. She get’s $2 mil.

Of course, this is also over simplified as the more revenue a movie makes, the more likely it will be to cover its operating costs and be able to pay higher salaries.

If Actress C’s movies average $100 mil at the box office? She should get $10 mil. But that’s not the current state of the movie industry. As producers and studios start to develop and fund movies that are female centric that make similar amounts of money, then the women leads who attract audiences should be fairly compensated.

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Generally, the derogatory language toward men who annoy us is ‘jerk’, ‘jackass’, ‘asshole’, or ‘pompous’, ‘arrogant’ etc. These are insults that carry with them certain implications - arrogance, even conceit, isn’t generally taken as totally unearned, but rather thinking you’re even better than you are. Even calling someone an ‘asshole’, while it conveys the offense and distaste, doesn’t simultaneously paint them as infantile or childish.

‘Brat’, on the other hand immediately goes to comparing the actress to a child, before even ‘spoiled’ comes into play. And ‘spoiled’, again, carries connotations of childhood. What’s likely tripping Ms. Lawrence here on that particular insult is the way it doesn’t just insult, it also condescends. The actress in question isn’t just someone who thinks she’s entitled to more than she’s earned, she’s also being painted as a child, with all that that implies: poor decision-making, a need for someone else to tell her what to do, etc.

Men might get called ‘childish’, but typically, a man’s got to be egregiously out of line to get called a ‘spoiled brat’ - like, something out of a Will Ferrell movie tantrum scene. And somehow, I doubt the woman in question was.


“paid far too much”, so studios should pay them less and make bigger profits? The same complaint is often said about sports, “they’re paid too much”, but the real alternative is owners (who do very little other than having capital) which get what the players aren’t paid.


Fair enough…it’s what I anticipate being heard and how people will react that I’m most reacting to I suppose. That being said, I honestly have no fucks to give about people making 8 figures whining about it though. You couldn’t unfairly pay me to give a fuck.