Discussion: Militia Whose Leader Was Arrested Evicted From New Mexico Campsite

When a railroad tells you to get off their land, you vamoose. The fines for trespassing make a NYC parking ticket look like a love note.


I wonder how many times they have found a small group of people in a very remote area and decided not to bring them in…it would not surprise me if some of these guys fantasize about having the opportunity to “defend” the nation against “invaders”. Border Patrol should have shut them down immediately, having what is essentially a posse running around armed the teeth and following racist ideology mixed in with desperate asylum seekers is just asking for trouble.


Great analysis. The growing dark weight in Macbeth is definitely the arc here in the Trump era at least for sane and caring folks. Shakespeare would have had Trump as some Richard III type, except he would be in and out, creating the matrix for the stupidity and callousness of the courtiers (Jared, Miller, Pence, et al). A comedy of dark and deadly errors, without much recourse.
“A whore! A whore! My kingdom for a whore !!!”
(my apologies, Sir Will, and Happy Birthday. :birthday:)


Were any dogs harmed by the loud and sustained whining of the Militiaboys when they had their fat asses kicked off private property?

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Oh, Richard III for sure. How many people would come to Trump in his dreams, accuse him of his crimes, and say, “Despair, and die!” :laughing:

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If I had to apply Shakespeare to the Whiner in the White House. I would suggest Polonius from Hamlet. The old windbag

But I think Dickens is much better. I mean, Podsnap from ‘Our Mutual Friend’ encapsulates the entire Whiny Administration.


It’s also his death day.

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After seeing some of them in the pictures, Falstaff was all that came to mind.


Libation??? TPM commentators drink only water.
We are a sober crew.


Who’s MacDuff?
Hope we find out soon.

“They’re going to try to find some piece of private property to move onto so that they’re not at the whims of the local officials.”

Um, they were being evicted from “private property.”


Wikipedia (forgive me) lists today (April 23) as the day Will died in 1616. They don’t actually list a “birth date” but say he was baptised on April 26, 1564. Which means, for all practical purposes, that we get to celebrate TWICE this week! Thanks for the heads up!

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I’m guessing that New Mexico police may have been reluctant to go after these guys, after the massive negative and national attention the state got when Albuquerque police shot and killed a developmentally-disabled guy who was illegally camping in the Sandias. Also, these wacky militia guys were armed and in large numbers.

This is sad. They should be coaching little league so they can vent their impotent rage at little kids who don’t know any better, not harassing refugees in the desert. Seriously, what a waste of manpower from guys who obviously have free time and the desire to make a difference.

Hollywood is to blame for this, raising several generations of white dudes to believe that Rugged Individualism and Guns are what tamed America. John Wayne and Dirty Harry never shot anyone who didn’t deserve to be shot. You just have to believe someone is a bad guy and you’re right.

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Bardbirth is traditionally celebrated today. (Says so right there.) If you can afford to buy both birthday and baptism day presents well God bless you. I am less fortunate. :confused:

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He’s an impostor! GRAB HIM


So I guess you missed the drinking party on (I think it was) the day the Mueller report came out? I stuck to white wine, but some folks were hitting the hard stuff!


I think it’s probably the latter…all those guns in the hands of y’all Qaeda makes the police a bit nervous.

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Shakespeare - hooze he? Did he have his own TREMENDOUS reality show? No. He’ll never last, some kid has a birthday, big deal - call me when they option his teleplay. He’ll never get the ratings I have!!!


He makes Caliban look placed
Falstaff look sober
Richard the Third like a Sunday School teacher

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