Discussion for article #244266
Good grief. Ritzie’s there?
Dear geniuses,
You’re obviously on the right track if preventing bloodshed is your goal. I know that whenever I want to prevent bloodshed, I arm myself to the teeth, seize control over a federal government building to provoke an armed standoff, issue a vague - indeed borderline incomprehensible - set of demands before calling for others to come and join us to escalate the situation.
Clearly, these are the actions of rational individuals intent on changing society for the better. Keep up the good work!
Jihadi John, meet Oregon Occupier Otto.
“We need you to get up here and stand with us,” Ritzheimer said in the video. “That’s what we need more than anything. That’s what’s going to prevent any bloodshed, the more people that get here. Whether you’re armed or unarmed, you get up here.”
F- it.
Now that there’s no longer tetraethyl lead in gasoline[1], how did so many white boys get so fucking stupid?
[1]Phase out started in 1970s; banned altogether in 1995.
Well, wouldn’t the two of you just packing up and going home prevent the bloodshed as well?
I’m just saying, that sounds a whole lot easier than the rest of us trucking up to East Jockstrap, Oregon.
Dude! There shouldn’t be any blood anywhere because from what I understand, Megyn Kelly isn’t planning on being there. If any of you boys are bleeding, the best advice I can offer is to relax, relax, relax. Oh, and clean out before you do that kinda stuff, okay? – Makes everyone a happy participant.
Hey, these fuckers are mostly out-of-state Derpers from Arizona and Nevada.
While the convicted arsonists (the Hammonds) that are the nominal cause du jour for these meatballs, are Made in Oregon™, let’s remember to admit the crazy is not just an Eastern Oregon thing.
An Australian named Rupert Murdoch and a fat druggie named Rush.
They are asking for human shields.
Panty shields are more like it. What with their expressed fear of blood.
Yep. I’m a bit surprised they didn’t ask others to bring their families as well. You know, the more the merrier … or bloodier, as the case may be.
I’ll just go with what Groucho Marx said.
Remember the Alamo !
This !
These delusional “freedom fighters” have been watching too many Mel Gibson movies. Cut-rate Don Quixotes looking for some kind of cinematic cause to sacrifice themselves to. Right now, they’re having way too much fun. (“Nyuck, Nyuck, just like the Civil War re-enactments, ain’t it, Cletus?” “Shore IS, Ritzie. It shore as hell is!”) Just wait until one of them has to endure some kind of real hardship, or suffering, or actual tyranny.
In fact, imagine how they’d feel if their 12-year-old went out with a pellet gun, and got greased by a couple of slow-witted cops?
I very much doubt that law enforcement–federal or local–will allow reinforcements through.
“And bring some pizza and a few beers”