Discussion: Military Experts Slam Border Mission Against People Who 'Don't Pose A Threat'

As Rachel pointed out last night the biggest threat at the border is Militia groups, and they like to acquire good military equipment at no cost to them.

So the people along the border are caught in the cross hairs of how many similar groups with different factors to hold them accountable?


Not only should the military gainsay it’s civillian leadership in certain situations, but it has a responsibility to do so when said leadership issues orders that are illegal. Now whether this situation has reached that point is a seperate question, but lets not pretend Trump wouldn’t be perfectly happy to order the millitary to engage in war crimes or other crimes against humanity directed at these migrants. We saw the answer to that question with the child concentration camps. Of course we also saw the answer to the question of whether law enforcment would go along with those crimes, so the question now is if the military has more integrity than Boarder Patrol and ICE.


Did not occur to me, but yes. Here I agree.


Some argue

You don’t say?


Donald needs some ‘Crisis Actors’ and the military has not anything better to do ! Problem solved…

Next he will command them to dress in civilian clothes and prop up the attendance at his rallies…


The oath is to protect the constitution against “all enemies foreign and domestic.”

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Yes, @thepsyker pointed out the error of my ways. I had thought only of, “I don’t want generals doing whatever they think is best.” But when best is refusing to carry out illegal acts, I agree that they should absolutely do so.


Well if the top priority of the US Militarily is to win wars they might want to change that. The last war the US won was WW2. A few skirmishes worked out OK, Kuwait and Panama but the enemy in those fights never had a chance. Korea, Vietnam, Afghanistan and Iraq are the biggies and all a bust. Lots of dead young people and enough money to pay off the national debt and nothing to show for it but a wealthy military industrial complex.

I’m not anti-Military. I come from a military background and served 10 years myself including a stint in Vietnam. But folks…get over the military thing. It’s bleeding the USA dry like daddy’s Harley in the garage and it aint never going to run. “steer clear of foreign entanglements” the man said. Give it a try. Life will get better.


A bigger threat than barefoot peasants is the caravan of vigilantes on the US side. Reportedly these guys are stealing gear from the National Guard. Hope they don’t try that with the regulars.
Actually, I hope they do try.


Trumps is the real threat to our republic. Everyone in authority must speak out. The guard rails have been crashed through by trump’s run away insanity.


"It sends a terrible signal to Latin America and the Caribbean…

That’s the point, Admiral Brainiac.

I’m still perplexed how not one person in this Caravan of Terror understands how much the US government hates their guts, is willing to separate them from their children and never reunite them, put them in campos de concentración, and talk openly about shooting them is someone throws a rock. (What is this, Israel?) Does no one have a radio?

I mean, really, at a certain point, isn’t someone going say, “Screw this, let’s become Mexicans instead.” ?


Next up: Mattis officiating as Grand Marshall of Trump’s parade.


In my secret heart of hearts I hope that the danger of violent action against the caravaners by militia nut jobs is the real reason Mattis capitulated. And I wish someone like Mattis would speak out against the interference of these groups. But so far there’s no hint of this. Just the continuing media circus.

We’ll see.

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Yes, that’s what’s different about this presidency and the wild-eyed cult he feeds with his violent rhetoric. A slaughter of innocent civilians would have their blessing, and whet their appetite for more of the same.

Let’s keep our eyes wide open about where this is going. Once the wildfire starts, it won’t end with the election. Trump and his brownshirts will still be in charge, and the Republicans - especially the lame duck ones - will do NOTHING to stop it.


Was there really an enemy in Panama? Really?!?!? That was staged at a moment of panic for Reagan because he had gotten caught selling missiles to Iran to finance his illegal was against the legally elected government of Nicaragua if I remember correctly. At about the same time he “invaded” Grenada for no real reason other than as another distraction from his criminal activities and dotard is acting from the same bullshit playbook.


“so the question now is if the military has more integrity than Boarder Patrol and ICE.”

The American military enthusiastically pursued a policy of torturing prisoners in Iraq. Anybody who thinks there is some widespread institutional resistance in the American military to firing on unarmed women and children is fooling themselves. For one thing, the influx of young white supremacist goons in the lower ranks of the American armed forces is as serious as in law enforcement. In addition, the penetration of white Christian dominionists into the Air Force officer corps in Colorado Springs is longstanding and well-recognized.


what is there is a huge army of AMERICAN soldiers& vigilantes, camped at the border and no one shows up on the other side? what to do? AMERICANS who live close to the border are more worried about the throngs of vigilantes[who are armed] than the sad, tired hungry people in the ‘caravan’…


It would be great if the Joint Chiefs would issue a public reminder to their subordinates that illegal orders are under no circumstances to be obeyed; and that all stateside military personnel not absolutely needed to be on the job be given permission to be with their families during the holidays. And, should there be a parade, it be held around the town square in Ajo, AZ


There is a report from the Pentagon that by the time the caravan gets to the US border they expect it to be one unarmed refugee per five combat soldiers. And that doesn’t count the militias that are gathering. America stopped being the home of the brave a very long time ago.

One thing useful that the military could do is protect the ranchers from armed trespassers by killing off a bunch of militia. But reports are that the National Guardsmen have been giving their equipment to the militias on previous deployments to the border.

The cost of this political stunt is a lot more than his parade is going to be. If Matthis were any good, he’d tell Tiny that the Pentagon can’t afford both his parade and his political stunt so he would have to make a choice.