Consider this. Who cares if Pompeo gets the job? If he doesn’t, someone else equally or more odious will. Fuck, Trump could have the Marquis Chimps Troupe for his cabinet and they’ed do far less damage and be more entertaining.
Vote them out; vote out the GOP at all echelons of government!
It’s news because Trump wants to argue that failing to confirm Pompeo will sabotage the negotiations with N. Korea since Pompeo has established. – in one visit! – a good personal relationship!
I am concerned because Trump is treating Pompeo as his SoS, when he hasn’t been confirmed for that job, and is instead, the Director of the CIA. And the Director of the CIA doesn’t fly off to have private meetings with North Korea on his own.
That’s several problems all layered on top of each other.
Because it’s a huge rise for North Korea on the world stage. Which is precisely why no US President has met with their leader. It doesn’t matter what they discuss, or if anything comes from it…merely having the publicity of holding a summit type meeting with the President of the US is a giant PR coup for Kim Jong Un.
Don’t particularly care about Kim’s PR coup except to the extent it removes a possible future carrot. What’t I’m concerned with is that Trump will cut Kim a sweetheart deal In return for a figleaf version of ‘success.’
Except that is kind of what has already happened, by simply having the meeting. Not to mention its a HORRIBLE message to send to the international community. Have a problem with the US? Develop nuclear missiles and they will sit down with you
Someone should do a parody movie just like The Interview with Christopher Walken playing a blonde hair helmetted caricature of a middle brow, B list celebrity who became President of the United States solely by the collaboration of the New Modern Segregationist Dixiecrat GOP with Russian Fascist Kleptocrat Government for whom the celebrity had performed money laundering for decades.
I know, right??? I wish i can answer but its all bizarre to me. I could see the head of FBI, CIA and head of military taking these extraordinary precautions. But EPA…? What the hell? He seems really paranoid! This guy either has a lot of enemies or an overactive imagination. I really think this should be investigated; what exactly is he hiding from. Weird.
Heh. You’re suggesting a parody of something that’s already a parody. Like that movie I can’t recall done recently about The Room (not a parody, just ridiculous). It would be very—meta. Interesting challenge.
As meta as taking the name Meta World Peace after nearly tearing James Harden’s head off with an elbow in one playoff, and clotheslining JJ Barrea while an over the hill Lakers team was being swept by eventual champion Dallas in another playoff?