Discussion for article #226047
Republicans don’t talk about impeachment. Except when they do.
Quote the law, Huckster, or get lost.
hey got to get the base to the polls somehow…
Huckabee is just like the rest of them, on the one hand railing at Obama for acting on his own when the Congress refuses to act, and on the other hand, scoring him for not doing more on his own when the Congress refuses to act.
In their eyes, no matter what choice the President makes or does not make, it is the wrong thing to do by virtue of the fact that he is both a black man and a Democrat, and so by definition anything he does has to be wrong. That’s the long and short of it.
Huckleberry obviously didn’t get the memo about only the D’s talking about impeachment.
Huckabee is spewing nothing but a smelly seething cesspool of biblical santorum. His version of biblical christyranny is full of hate and ignorance. Another southern bigot telling America what to think and pretending he has been talking to his christyrannical god.
Huck will get the nomination, mark my words.
Grifter grifter grifter.
One more right-wing scumbag who’ll never have to face an election. But by all means, “Governor”–keep talking LOUDLY.
There’s nothing more disgusting or despicable than a man that claims to be a man of the Lord, but is actually nothing more than a two bit hustler with a bible in one hand and a collection plate in the other.
But…but…it’s the White House and the Democrats who are bringing up impeachment.
Mike Huckabee is growing ever closer to becoming Mike who?
Well at least he’s done something “worthy” of something, as opposed to Huckabee, who as far as I can see hasn’t done anything other than appear on TV since he was Governor of Arkansas. What a blowhard. And don’t let the fake “nice guy” act fool you … the guy is just as guilty of BS as Beck, Limbaugh, Coulter, Malkin and the like … only thing he’s really accomplished, as far as I can see is losing a whole bunch of weight and then gaining it back.
Coming from someone who should have been impeached for releasing Wayne Dumond…
Deace is a warmup act for Limbaugh. The story here doesn’t say if Huckabee said what the worthy acts were but it call comes down to the Republican difficulty of having Obama as President or for that matter a Democrat. This looks like a visit to Iowa for 2016 for Huckabee .
And again, another one whines impeach impeach impeach and still cannot or will not give a specific chargeable offense. Just some vague “plenty of things” and “over use of his executive power”. Which of course means they have nothing.
I’m not sure if it was the Huckster or the author who said that there weren’t enough votes in the senate for impeachment.
Impeachment—a 2-dollar word for “charge”—takes place in the House, where there are plenty of votes to do so.
The trial and acquittal/conviction take place in the Senate.
It’s not a small point, either.
Clinton was impeached—but he was not convicted.
Huckabee has no doubt the President has done things worthy of impeachment - just don’t ask them what they are because like everything else in the universe - he has no clue!
“there are a number of things that this president has done in the overuse of an executive power, his complete ignoring of the law, even his own law,” Huckabee added.
Don’t suppose the host followed up with the simple question, “Such as what, specifically?” Nah, thought not.
As far as the Huckster and most of the conservative base are concerned, President Obama has committed a cardinal impeachable offense----Presidentin’ while of too dusky a hue.
All the rest of their phony baloney “impeachable offenses” arise from that one----which they see as unpardonable.