Discussion: Michiganders Concerned About ACA Repeal Interrupt GOPer At Town Hall

Michigan’s representative to the Electoral College cast their votes for Trump. The state should accept whatever happens during Trump’s term, good or bad, right?


Michiganders Concerned About ACA Repeal Interrupt GOPer At Town Hall

They should not worry to much about ACA, Ole Trump is going to create hundreds of thousands of great jobs in Michigan alone. Those jobs will be high paying and include medical, retirement and all kinds of beautiful benefits. Just like he promised them.


“Amash said he believed that individual states should be tasked with replacing the federal law, prompting cries of dissent from the crowd, the newspaper reported.”

Soooo, would this mean each state has its own rules for handling the individual market/high risk pools, subsidies, etc? Under this it would seem that if you were covered by an individual policy, and you move, you might end up with insurance that doesn’t qualify under your new home state’s coverage rules (I can definitely see this happening moving from a red to blue state)? Or that you might be hit by very different premiums moving from state to state. Am I missing something here or is this really as byzantine and ridiculous as it seems?


States have rights ya know.
Yes, it is as Byzantine as it seems to you. I think that’s part of the plan.


Six months in, and the great unwashed, too many of whom voted for the Donald, will be howling for a snap Congressional election to replace both House and Senate Rethugs.

Pretty much the entirety of the incoming administration is bent on fucking over anyone not wealthy. Could this finally be the last time people of this socio-economic stratum stop voting against their own interests?


I think it’s a mistake to imagine the GOP actually gives a damn about the insurance needs of the citizenry. That includes whatever clusterfuck that results from any bone-headed handling of the issues results from their incompetence.
No, they won’t pay a penalty at the polls. So don’t go there. In 2018 the GOP defends 8 Senate seat, Dems defend 25. The House is gerrymandered so thoroughly the GOP is essentially immune to catastrophic losses. Additionally, interviews with Trump supporters experiencing buyer’s remorse say Clinton was so loathsome to them they were voting for Trump no matter what. The same dynamic will hold in the mid-terms. The knucklehead proles comprising the electorate feel about local and statewide candidates with a (D) appended to their name the same as they felt about Clinton, hatred and suspicion and distrust. Trump and the GOP are immune from fallout when stripping millions of insurance. Their supporters value party loyalty over self interest. Millions will lose coverage and Republicans could give a damn. It’s no skin off their noses.




You built this, Rep. Amash. Hope you enjoy the shitstorm.

“Let the states do it” sounds a lot like “Let them eat cake.” Ironically, it is the red states that are the least financially able to cover the uninsured.


Don’t bet on it…once they don’t get what they want from the other side they will flip

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Alternatively, they’ll blame Obama and Dems for taking their healthcare away, just like they were responsible for the Iraq War and the Great Recession.


Yes Justin…we’ve seen what a good job individual states have done on protecting their people. Especially YOUR state. MAYBE you should rethink your ‘states rights’ BS concerning certain policies and legislation that should have a baseline across the country.


You forgot Katrina. Geez, Obama tragically mishandled that.



And the peasants are becoming restless …


Exactly. They don’t care. The soomer we all realize that, the less we will be gnashing our teeth and pulling our hair. They don’t give a damn and will not suffer (politically) because of it. I’m not saying to give up, we have to keep fighting. But trying to appeal to their morals or sense of decency is a dead end - they have no interests other than how to line their own pockets. They’ve done shit for the country the past 8 years and were rewarded with the House, the Senate and the Presidency.

We can continue to apply pressure but we’re pretty much on our own. The best we can hope for is winning the presidency in 2020 and get rid of the p*ssy grabber-in-chief


'Smatter with you ?
Weren’t you listening to Donald? If you can’t trust Donald…
"Trump vows ‘insurance for everybody’ in Obamacare replacement plan"
Nothing to worry about Amiright?


If you’re in a Red State I guess you’re shit out of luck.
Kind of appropriate if you ask me


It’s the American Dream
And he nails it . The rich Kochsuckers don’t give a fuck about you


How does that work? Trump confessed to being a sexual assaulter and abuser of women and won. Bragged about it actually, and chuckled.

I can hear a news report on the 2020 GOP nominee now:

Today tapes were leaked, revealing Senator Smith ® caught on a live mic, bragging to his poker buddies, “Ya shoulda seen it guys. I raped the little girl and shot her dog!! Actually, I raped and shot both of them!! Ha, Ha!!”

Senator Smith ÂŽ is looking forward to his inauguration, January 20th, 2021. Large, supportive crowds are expected.

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Could this finally be the last time people of this socio-economic stratum stop voting against their own interests?

No. I thought after George W. Bush’s disastrous presidency that the American people would have learned not to elect right-wing governments anymore. But I was wrong. The United States of America is in an abusive relationship with the Republican Party and there is no light at the end of the tunnel.