Discussion: Michelle Nunn On Leaked Docs: Went Way Beyond Transparency 'I Anticipated Or Intended'

Discussion for article #225791

I hope that’s not an exact transcript of her remarks.

She has a chance, but she seems intent to blow it. She reminds me of Robin Carhanan.

Sorry, but i fail to see where the controversy is here, and why she seems to be distancing herself from these documents. She is running for office and needs a strategy for not only appealing to a wide variety of voters, but also getting them mobilized. Why would she be ashamed of that? Am i missing something?


I expect she will be fine… but folks have to GOTV!

Absolutely ridiculous. It’s bad enough that the GOP is a festering gob of puss, but then somebody on the Dem side goes and admits that they really only care about getting some of that sweet donor money, too. Own up to it and then focus on actually selling your platform to the voters, not on wining and dining the deep pockets.