Discussion: Michelle Bachmann Films A Cameo In 'Sharknado 3'

Discussion for article #234206

Movie about mindless great white monsters destroying D.C. like some sort of out of control unnatural disaster, starring folks like Bachman, Coulter, etc.

I really don’t know how anyone can miss the metaphor going on here.


“It wasn’t anything offensive…a total stretch for me!”

Bill O’Reilly got a cameo in Iron Man 2 (as an obnoxious asshole! Go figure!) but crappy SyFy threequels are where pseudoconservative has-beens crawl off to die! Will Sharknado vs Ebolactopus feature Bruce Tinsley and Dennis Miller?


“I believe they are growing in size. Congress has to take this seriously because sharknado is a real phenomenon”

Global climate change, extreme weather events, coastal flooding, on the other hand…not so much.


If she doesn’t get eaten by a shark I’m going to be pissed. I mean, they killed Wil Wheaton in the last movie!


“This was a total stretch for me!”

What, you had to say something that didn’t sound crazy and/or stupid?

“I believe they are growing in size. Congress has to take this seriously because sharknado is a real phenomenon,”

Ahhh…so you were method acting, then.


I hope they get Lindsey Graham to do his one of his famous “We’re all gonna to die!!” lines.


“This was a total stretch for me!”

Evidently, the Masterpiece Theater audition didn’t go so well.

Michelle Bachmann, Ann Coulter and Mark Cuban. What more needs to be said?


I wish someone would cast her in a movie about giant, man-made, climate denier-created dust storms that threaten to consume the American Southwest – “Haboobmann–Dustmaggedon”

I’d love to ask her if she realizes this is not a documentary, because I’m not sure people like her can simultaneously imagine a thing and understand it doesn’t exist.


“Downton Abbey-normal,” or possibly, “The Lack of Foresight Saga”; maybe, “Freak House” or “I Clod-ius”


I don’t think I can bring myself to hate watch this, but I will save the gif of her cameo.
BTW, totally cool with offing Wheaton, but that’s me.

I saw the trailer for, I think, the first one. It was weirdly serious, like it was made for a joke but the makers didn’t let themselves in on it, somehow. Decent production values, not even so bad it was good, just so bad it was bad. The New York Daily News said it was “an hour and a half of your life that you’ll never get back. And you won’t want to.”

Wheaton, as a person, is actually pretty nice.

“This is a total stretch,” she said “because it’s one thing when someone in the crowd at a campaign rally tells you her child caught retardation from a vaccination and you take it as medical fact to use to scare people. Quite another when someone directing a film about the fiction of climate change tells you there is no such thing as a tornado containing sharks but you, as a congresswoman has seen it with your very own eyes on the set of this movie.”

[golf clap]

Come on guys; she still thinks it’s a documentary.

All the more reason to studiously avoid this ScyFy-made shit. 12 Monkeys and FaceOff are the only good things that channel has made since BSG went off the air. Holding out hopes that the Expanse will be good, but this drek… ugh.

Or Grampy McCrash-up saying We Are All Chum Now™.

Please tell me they are not doing a subliminal Hypnotoad thing.