Discussion: Michael Moore: Clint Eastwood Once Told Me 'I'll Kill You'

Discussion for article #232706

Grandpa, come here and have a seat in that chair you were talking to.


‘Do you feel lucky, punk?’


Moore is just getting started…


Moore should now film himself conducting a 1 hour interview of the empty chair containing Clint Eastwood.

Edit: Haha…it’s so perfect actually. I can see it now…a whole segment devoted to showing the empty chair containing Clint Eastwood video footage of Clint Eastwood interviewing the empty chair containing President Obama and then asking the empty chair containing Clint Eastwood all sorts of questions about what really appears to be either a “senior moment” brought on by grandpa getting his daily meds wrong or a just complete mental breakdown. The circularity and irony involved would be off the charts lol


My Dad always said to me if I make a threat to anyone I’d do better to carry through with it because no one likes a bully.

In retrospect, I’ve never threatened anyone with anything.

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I much preferred Clint Eastwood when he was Michael J. Fox.


Eastwood continues his downward spiral into teabagism, unfortunately, there’s no treatment.


If a sniper is a coward, what does that make a hunter who sneaks up on an animal and shoots it with a rifle from a safe distance? Just putting it out there.


Indeed. Ironically, it’s a progressive disease.


It makes him a hunter. That analogy is a bit broken.


So true

Hey, I felt the same way after I saw ‘Into The Woods’ but they ran the credits too fast for me to get a name.

I sympathize with Eastwood here. I mean, just the other day I was walking down the street and I saw Diane Sawyer. Before she could get too close and start asking questions, I yelled, “Bitch, you best not say a damn thing unless you’re ready to get fitted for a Columbian necktie.” I just bonded out of jail, but you know what? Me and Eastwood showed them!


It makes him a cowardly draft dodger pants pooper drug store cowboy called in most circles Ted Nugent.


I can’t really begrudge anyone wanting to see that horrible stupid tragic wasteful war redeemed – especially anyone who fought in that war and left a piece of their mind, or a limb, or a few pints of blood, or a dead buddy, in Fallujah or Mosul or Helmand Province or whatever. But really, I haven’t got much patience for bullshit mythmakers who swoop in as soon as the last troops have left (or even before) to sweep the slate clean so that we can all get started on our next horrible stupid tragic wasteful imperial adventure. So that our celluloid mythmakers can sell more tales of heroism and derring-do, etc., etc.

Clint Eastwood may be a crazy old armchair warrior, but he’s not stupid. He ought to know better. Busting out the old red white and blue pom poms and glamorizing this fucking bloody bullshit is the worst form of cowardice.


As argued by Matthew McConaughey’s character in True Detective, I think rifle hunters are cowards too - spray themselves with deer pheromones to dupe the deer, hide in a tree out of sight, and use high power long range rifle with a scope to kill the deer. Try tracking a creature and bow hunting face to face.


Eastwood ought to send Moore a check for all the baggers who will have to go see the flick after Moore panned it.


Exactly. At least a big fat wet kiss.

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I can understand Clint’s position.