Apparently Cohen has testified that he lied to Congress and the Special Counsel in order to impede the investigation, presumably at the behest of the president.
I think I smell a smocking gun…
The prosecutor’s, “ranging and helpful.” should have dt really concerned. Build the case, but (at this point) I don’t want to see any impeachment. Until SusPense is on the chopping block, there is no real upside. Now if the vp is in trouble, go for it full tilt. President Pelosi has a nice schadenfreude ring to it.
Everyone who told tales to Congress or OSC that aligned with Cohen’s needs to have a friendly chat with his/her attorney right about now.
Funny. Also, I would note that it’s more than likely “smocking” tapes…and that’s the best evidence of all. Cohen was wise to tape that stuff, and it was all legal too. Trump is too illiterate to give the payoff order in an email, but he’s the type that’s a blabbermouth when talking, so those tapes must be a gold mine. I bet Cohen would even ask things a second time to get the answer twice so there would be no ambiguity whatsoever if the poop hit the fan…
Some days you are the pigeon and some days you are the statue.
And sometimes the statue of freedom gets sick of the pigeons of corruption and slaps the shit right out of them.
So SDNY flipped him…
Dream Headline: “Pecker Screws Trump”.
Just out of curiosity - we all know which candidate they conspired with, so why can’t they say that in the document?
Pecker may have immunity. Hmmm.
Who knew?
Not lying (to muller, to congress, to whoever) would have avoided so much of this trouble…
Need to write this down somewhere…sage life advice.
Seeking Immunity, Pecker Waves Right
At least these contributions are merely unlawful, not foreign. Bet you that’s going to be the spin for a while.