Discussion: Melania Trump Reportedly Had A Heavy Hand In Plagiarized Speech

Ok, I’m all done with this. They botched what was supposed to be a harmless bit of drivel by Melania. Does this story have legs… beyond the fact that team trump can’t even get a little bit of fluff right? :smile:


SCOOP. TRumP ORganIZatiON employee has TIEs TO HITLARY wHO hates STRONG Women.


Honest to God. IF she did it are you REALLY going to tell us they will throw her under the bus? This is reminiscent of the crap they pulled with Michelle Obama (she’s too strong, she needs to be reined in, etc) of 2008. BULL PUCKY. People that WORK for Trump don’t mean squat. You DO NOT blame your family…politics 101. AND then you are trying to tell us that it wasn’t vetted by MANAFORT before they loaded it into the teleprompter? REALLY? This is way too much crap for me to swallow.


“The plagiarism issue quickly became the dominant media story on day two of the Republican National Convention.”

London Cleveland is burning.

They haven’t seen an inferno this big since the river caught fire in 1969.


I sympathize but it came on a night where they were trying to tie ‘Crooked Hillary’ with all the fear and loathing and lying from non-whites into a toxic little bundle and they put Melania Trump right in the crosshairs…as if she didn’t matter.


Does this story have legs… beyond the fact that team trump can’t even get a little bit of fluff right?

Aside from the fact that literally everybody closely associated with Trump is a lying ignoramus who doesn’t know how the internet works, it will have legs only up until the point of the next Trumpian clusterfuck, which should be in about 35 minutes.


Throwing the trophy wife under the bus already? I thought that wouldn’t happen until after Trump lost in November.


Melania decided to copy Michelle Obama’s speech. She knew that she couldn’t use exactly the same words, so she made some small changes. Then she asked a Trump family member to help with the English. This person would not have known the text was plagiarized, and wouldn’t know about turnitin or other resources.
This is a classic style of freshman plagiarism, especially with second language learners.


Except, for the most part, she DID, in fact, use exactly the same words. And I do not believe for one second that Melania wrote a single word of that speech.


The party of family values and personal accountability strikes again.

Narcissistic psychopaths. All of them!


You’re underestimating the stupidity of Melania.
The reason my theory is better is that any adult American would know how big a deal plagiarism is.
I can’t speak to attitudes in Slovenia specifically, but I can tell you that in CIS states, students laugh off plagiarism as nothing—well, until you fail them a couple of times.


Does anyone think that Melania Trump went back and dug out Michelle Obama’s speech, then plagiarized it? The real points of interest are that she claimed to have written the speech, and that the plagiarizing was from such an obvious source.

This minor episode bespeaks incompetence, arrogance and or simple cluelessness, none of which is a good thing to see in a presidential campaign.


"Two anonymous sources briefed on the matter told the New York Times that Matthew Scully, a former speechwriter for George W. Bush working on contract, wrote an early draft of Trump’s speech several weeks ago.

But Trump made substantial changes to the draft, with help from a Trump Organization employee, once she got her hands on Scully’s text, one anonymous source told the newspaper."

First, does Melania really seem like the type of woman who would give a damn about getting her speech juuuuust right? Think on it for a moment. Doesn’t she strike you as the type who’d just be glad someone wrote something for her and that she can get back to shopping, not eating, and getting some beauty treatment done? So, I can’t really see her combing through the speech and making serious changes. But you know who’d do that? You know exactly who’d do that! Her husband. Her controlling, dumb ass, “greatest” husband probably took a look at it and decided to make his own changes, did a little Googling and stole from Michelle Obama’s speech. That’s why Melania herself is being thrown under the bus. Because when it’s a choice between falling on his own sword or stabbing his wife in the heart, well, plastic foreign women in need of a visa are a dime a dozen.


A likely scenario, I believe, is that she asked for or somebody provided examples of speeches made by nominee spouses. She found something she liked in one of them, and thought her changes were enough to make the section her own.


Your theory makes sense except on one detail. Sure, Trump could have plagiarized someone’s speech, hypothetically.
But no WAY would he have copied Michelle Obama’s speech.
That is a “SAD” theory.
It makes a lot more sense that Melania, not knowing anything about speeches or being First Lady, would have checked out Michelle’s speech on youtube. The whole process could have taken less than 1/2 hour of her time, until she handed off the text to someone for editing.


The Trump campaign is now blaming two low-level interns, a Mr. Baron and a Mr. Miller.

Apparently, they’ll be available to the press later today, but only by telephone.

And only one at a time.


They’re really not gonna like it tonight, when Donald Jr’s speech includes:

“Ask not what Donald Trump can do for you. Ask what you can do for Trump!”


Actually, I was reading a story Monday morning that said that as of Friday many of the speeches hadn’t been vetted by the campaign. I imagine a conversation about vetting probably went something like this:
Manafort: I want to take a look at Melania’s speech.
DT: I’ve seen it. It’s amazing, really, truly amazing speech. Probably the best a candidate’s wife has ever given. I reviewed it personally myself. Dotted all the i’s, crossed all t’s. That kind of thing. It’s great.
Manafort: Sure you don’t want me to take a look at it?
DT: No need. I’ve already seen it. It’s really perfect. I’m very pleased.

Also, even if Manafort had looked at it I just don’t think it’s realistic to think he would’ve realized it was plagiarized. It may not have ever even occurred to him to run it through software to make sure they were her own words. He may have simply trusted that they wrote it themselves as he was told.


If you look at the comments on Melania’s speech, there is a strong current of assumption that she is not bright enough to have written her speech, or perhaps that she is not bright enough to have brought off the plagiarism, or that she is not bright enough to have realized that her copying was plagiarism. (I may have been guilty of some or all of that myself.)

Does that line of thinking demean women, or models (or pretty women), or immigrants?