Discussion for article #225502
What’s that, Fox News misrepresented the facts? Unpossible…
“We got the bubble-headed bleach-blonde who comes on at Five…”
“She can tell you bout a plane crash with a gleam in her eye…”
“It’s interesting when people die. Give us dirty laundry”
Added Kelly: Everyone knows that preventing 4 US carriers from traveling to Israel for 48hrs is a clear indication of Obama supporting Hamas. His increase of aid to Israel by 400+ Million Dollars over the last President however, means nothing.
She’s been playing good cop/bad cop lately as part of her FOX news act. I hope they pay her well for selling her soul.
Boy the bubble is deep over there, isn’t it. Even the local news mentioned that the US airliners were directed to not fly over the Ukraine like the Malayasian flight did. There was even finger wagging about how irresponsible it was of them.
All kidding aside, these are well calculated misrepresentations and not at all mistakes.
I am shocked, SHOCKED I tell you!
She cannot sell that which does not exist.
Yeah, it is convenient that all of their “mistakes” conveniently fit their narrative that Obama is somehow doing something nefarious. That is when they aren’t complaining that he’s golfing.
Fox News should be broadcast with a laugh track.
Megyn - you’re super cute. But you keep that expression on your face much longer and you’ll start looking like Laura Ingraham.
Just a friendly warning. Might want to be careful.
Faux Snooze gets far more attention via Comedy Central and various internet sites than it does through cable television! Less than 1% of Americans tune in to Faux. This fact never ceases to amaze me!
Hasn’t stopped some people from doing just that.
“Fox News anchor Megyn Kelly did her part Wednesday to hype Sen. Ted Cruz’s (R-TX) attack on the Obama administration over the flight ban to Tel Aviv’s Ben Gurion International Airport, but she didn’t quite have her facts straight.”
I find it hard to believe that an individual of towering intellect, unassailable rigor, and unambiguous impartiality would do such a thing.
Kelly, on the other hand…
Maybe 1% of Americans, but about 50% of restaurant and lobby TVs in my experience.
At least it wasn’t unintentional.
Just because Kelly is occasionally factual about some low hanging fruit every now and again, she has never had a vague air of objectivity to me.
Vague, yes. Objectivity, no.
Any headline that starts with the words Megyn Kelly was wrong - has no business on a news site