Gee wiz . If I didn’t know better I might think that Kelly is not too fond of Donald. She keeps breaking out with a case of serious journalism , which is out of place on the anti-hillary all the time network.
Roger Ailes must be spinning in his grave… (Would that were true.)
I guess she really is auditioning for another network.
Is this one of those ‘Megyn Moments’ she does every now and again to be able to claim she’s a “fair and balanced,” serious journalist?
That said (and I meant it), this is exactly what an impartial, inquisitive, professional journalist is supposed to do. Good for you, Ms. Kelly. Please do these ‘moments’ 24/7 – FOX is supposed to be turning a corner and wanting to be a real news channel and all, ya know.
The Long Knives are officially out. Even Fox can read a poll. They’re realizing they can’t drag him over the line to victory.
***Epshteyn replied that it was “an accepted practice” and noted that General Motors took a loss of $16 billion in 2009. ***
At the height of the financial collapse not in the middle of economic expansion and one of the most prosperous times in recent history .
You must be paid a lot to lie with such a straight face. Trump whore
How much hay would right-wing radicals make if there were suggestions Hillary was in thrall to Russia and she had a spokesman named Boris?
Donald Trump advisor Boris Epshteyn
Now that’s a name.
Think I’ll take a nap today so I can witness the 3am Twitterstorm against Megyn in real time.
Trumpslut, perhaps. Doubt Donnie pays.
If Clinton is smart they’ll give her a front row seat at the next debate .
Give it a break, Megyn, it was Other People’s Money. No harm, no foul…
Is he related to Froderick Fronkensteen?
Blood coming out of everywhere.
“Megyn Kelly To Trump Advisor: How Can You Answer For Workers He ‘Screwed’?”
Because he’s about to be one of 'em after Trump loses the election and stiffs all his campaign people for making him lose?
Exactly. They already go after her for Huma Abedin being an ISIS sympathizer. With Trump’s Putin fetish and this close adviser named Boris – there’s definitely something there.
That’s what people are saying. Lots of people.
Pretty bad when you cannot bullshit your way past FOX news.