Discussion: Megyn Kelly Is Going On Vacation After Igniting Donald Trump Feud

Have fun re-working on your resume, Kelly.

Aren’t Faux News viewers going to see Kelly’s decision to go on vacation in the exact same way as Condi Rice going off to buy shoes in NYC instead of staying at work when she read the presidential daily briefing that Bin Lauden was going to fly planes into tall buildings? She rather not be bothered with Trump.

Not that The Donald is a foreign terrorist; but he has challenged her and she appears to have run away. Professionals realize that it’s necessary to sometimes make hard choices in life if they want to be taken seriously by their peers and the public. For instance, will Kelly volunteer to go to the front lines in an Iranian nuclear war?

Yeah, I didn’t think she takes her job any more seriously than Ailes tells her she needs to for the sake of the RNC at any given time. It’s back to being a bimbo.

Well in his post-“debate” conversations with Ailes, Trump did get the promise from Ailes that she would be put out to pasture. Now its all a question of managing the optics, but that is relatively easy considering how malleable the Fox News audience are to commercials and subliminal suggestions. Ailes will have is audience once again eating out of the palm of his hand in just a few short weeks.

Like the rest of you, I’m no Kelly fan, but your title to this discussion is completely sexist. How is Kelly’s asking a reasonable question given Trump’s history “igniting” the feud? TRUMP IGNITED the feud, not Kelly. Trump is the sexist, along with all the other Repub candidates, and this ongoing discussion of treatment of women is valuable.

I believe Kelly and management were shocked that most of their audience sided with Trump. Some in very vulgar ways according to her FB page. Perhaps poor Megyn is nursing her hurt feelings over Ailes making nice with The Donald .

She will come back in a week and a half and the Fox News diehards will have long forgotten about what they hate her for.

Only makes sense since Fox News counts on the short term memories of the GOP base.

Although, I wouldn’t be surprised if Kelly and even Ailes are just biding for time before Trump sticks his foot in it and inevitably falls, at which point they’ll be picking him apart like vultures at a feast.

Because let’s face it, it’s just a matter of time before Trump says something so outrageous that the public will decide they can’t stomach it and turn on him. And when it happens it won’t be pretty. It’s just a matter of how long he can sustain his run before it happens. I wonder if Vegas has odds for such a thing.

If I were her, I’d start with a long shower. I can’t imagine how icky I’d feel if Nugent revealed he watched me in the buff and got “hot brass” on his junk.

Then I’d take another shower. Then a bath. Then I’d try to resist the temptation to scrub my skin with lye.

Maybe a whole body dip in bleach? That might work.
That the NRA wants Nugent on their board says a good deal about their ethics and intent. When I was a kid (and a Boy Scout) something like 55 years ago the NRA was about responsible and safe behavior around guns. These days it’s “everybody must be armed and paranoid” and in every instance respond with lethal force. Clearly a change. And not for the better.
Nugent has loudly proclaimed his deviant mind set. Therapy would be the logical response in his case. But it might not work considering the depth of his denial. That any woman would want to be around him is something I can’t process.

I’m sure somebody in Vegas would make book on this.