Discussion for article #239285
Nor should you. Just let us all know when you actually get around to doing some good journalism.
You should not apologize for asking that question, agreed, I thought that moment was good journalism.
Now, will you apologize for working for a network that does not do good journalism, just because they write the biggest paychecks?
Don’t apologize for “doing good” grammar either.
So she’s “taking the high road” after slumming in the gutter for years.
How quaint.
Edit: Her question to Trump was simply her following orders to attempt to take Trump down to allow Jeb’s star to shine. Just because it backfired means less than nothing.
Oh, fuck you, Megyn With A “WHY?!” Kelly. You have about as much integrity as Trump himself, and you wouldn’t know good journalism if it sneaked up behind you and bit you in your bleached-blonde ass. A FoxNews host giving a comment on journalism is like Jeffrey Dahmer commenting on gastronomy.
Don’t these assholes ever get tired of bragging about themselves in public? I’ve already got Chris Christie for that.
If only she could summon at least that level of indignity for the multi-layered bullshit she gets instructed to say each night.
You work for FOX. You have NEVER practiced good journalism.
Now Ms Kelly, by honest. You’re not there because of your brains.
Here’s what is gonna happen:
In the unlikely event that Trump actually wins the WH, he will make Megyn his WH spokesperson.
All will be well.
Carrying Ailes’ water must be really hard for Kelly…she might chip her nails!
Hacktastic comment, Megyn!
Well, not to anyone except Roger, anyway.
More pearls of Wis-DUMB from the Tokyo Rose of FAUX News!
How about for “Do Good” journalism?
I wasn’t aware that co-hosting a political debate was a journalistic endeavor.
Definitely don’t apologize to Trump for doing good journalism. You may need to apologize to your coworkers and vow to Ailes that you’ll never do it again. But certainly don’t apologize to Trump.