Discussion: Megyn Kelly Hits CNN For Hiring Ex-Trump Aide Corey Lewandowski (VIDEO)

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It’s not even the pot calling the kettle black. It’s more like a $500-an-hour call girl criticizing a $20-a-pop streetwalker for having loose morals.
They also had this story on dailykos, and I couldn’t stop laughing because the writer of the article referred to Howard Kurtz as “Igor - pronounced eye-gore”. PERFECTION!


Yeah CNN, what gives? You know he was supposed to be hired by Roger Ailes.


The abhorent criticizing the odious.


Agreed…but just because Kelly is the one to call them out for this, doesn’t mean she is wrong. Broken clocks and all that.

This was, IMO, a horrendously stupid move on all sorts of levels for CNN, not the least being that without a doubt, Lewandowski is under NDA from the Trump campaign (even though he refuses to answer that question…I mean, who in their right mind hires someone who refuses to say if they are under NDA??), which means the marginal bit of inside baseball he could bring is off limits.

And For FSM sake…how many Trump surrogates does CNN need to have on their payroll??


With any luck, here’s hoping that this election destroys both FoxNews and CNN. Their 24-hour-a-day Trump BJs are going to look pretty awful after the November win by Clinton.


This seems like accepting an in kind contribution. CNN can’t be ashamed, but they should be.


Indeed, Kelley’s obsevations on CNNs Lewandiwski hiring are sound. It’s just that considering all of the “eccentric” Fox News contributors; Keith Ablow, for example comes immediately to mind; but he’s just one of a phalanx; the whole conversation is ludicrous in the extreme and laughter is my first response.



Yes: how many? CNN has taken leave of its journalistic senses and provided shelter for 3 former Trumpites. Whatever happened to journalistic standards. Wait! says my inner voice : journalistic standards and CNN/MSNBC/Fox??? Of course it is a bit rich coming from from Fux’s Blonde Bombshell. As far as Howie goes: he wont recognise journalism if it stares him in the face. These people are so keen on sniffing Donald’s underpants that they think former surrogates will provide a route.

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Kelly and Fox News want to hire Trump as president of the US. I think that is a million times worse.


All about ratings, nothing more.

Which is why Kelly would degrade herself with a fawning interview with a guy who demeaned and disrespected her.

What next, CNN? Will you hire Michelle Fields for a Crossfire type show with Lewandowski?


Would they hire Jared Kushner? He is not a Trump, after all.

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Karl Rove thinks this is funny.


Call girl…why that choice of words? Does that fact she’s a women legitimize that kind of language? Is that the “New Liberal” all inclusive pro-women position? I don’t think a woman of Ms. Kelly’s achievement deserves that kind of crap. Although I am no fan of her “journalism” she’s done a hell of a lot with her life and none of it comes close to legitimizing “call girl” in discussions of her. Your comment sounds like something Trump would say.


I do not often agree with Megyn Kelly, but when I do, I drink Dos X.


Not the thing were he is contractually prohibited from speaking ill of Trump? Oh, it’s a Fox Newser, I forgot myself.

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My guess is you had a small group of executives used to throwing around huge sums in a constant and hysterical quest for more eyeballs who said “Ooh! This guy might dish some dirt on The Donald” and didn’t do the half-second’s worth of thinking required to realize that he almost certainly would not do so. Cool reflective thinking is not in their repertoire or much valued in their culture. They’re mindlessly obsessed with celebrity and buzz. That’s why they’ve paid this ill-natured dullard a rumored $600K to say nothing. Horrendously stupid, as you say.


You must have missed the two decades where the post Ted Turner CNN provided Patrick Buchanan regular employment and platform for his Trump-demographic presidential runs.


Odd…I didn’t see Mr. Ablow in that vid. Ill watch it again. But I’d have to disagree that Kelly and the phony Doctor are peas in a pod. Kelly tries to keep it legit with a slant. Ablow just lies his ass off under cover of being an expert.

But I think FOX has a point here. Lewandowski is so repugnant they wouldn’t touch him but CNN snatched him up quick. The staff at CNN is in near revolt over it and Zuker had to know that was coming. The hire isn’t consistent with CNN’s “values” and Kelly’s all over that. She should be. She’s got the room since FOX has no values at all.


Her thong? Why that metaphor? You could say Ms. Kelly needs to “get a clue” or “smell the roses” but you chose to bring up her under garments ( maybe she doesn’t wear a thong ) . Why…is that what comes to mind when a woman is mentioned? Prostitutes as a comment above knee jerks to and underwear as yours does?

But as my Grandmother used to say " That aint Ms. Kelly saying that crap…that’s dnl…"