Discussion for article #245273
Gosh, is this thing still going on? Sounds like they’re all yammering away to no avail.
Just curious…how many commercials from Koch Industries. I’ve noticed them ramping up their ad buys for their paper products lately.
We seriously have to hear these assholes for another 9 months?
Megyn Kelly unleashes the full frontal attack, and candidates squirm, quiver and scatter! No wonder Trump ran and hid! She’s not a woman. She’s the Terminator! That thing can’t be bargained with. It can’t be reasoned with. It doesn’t feel pity, or remorse, or fear. And it absolutely will not stop, ever, until you are dead!
She had blood running from her everything…
The thing that cracks me up about this collection of lying morons is that they repeatedly use talking points without a bit of substantiation. Like the claim that Barack Obama has ruined America. It’s a knee-jerk applause line that never gets into specifics, because, obviously, there are no specifics that justify their enmity for a man who put this nation back together after GWB came thisclose to destroying it. (Oops, I mentioned George W. Bush, and that’s taboo in GOP politics. It proves I have a worldview that extends beyond the Obama administration, and Repugs don’t accept that. US History begins in January 2009, except where St. Reagan is concerned.) So they simply stick with this empty claim about Obama destroying America that gets every imbecilic hater up on their feet, screaming in agreement, and yet – and mark my words here – not one single person in that hall could corroborate their hatred with anything close to a fact.
Ol’ Dry Mouth has a few well rehearsed lines that he delivers like a machine gun, but when asked to explain he sputters and stutters in his high heels…