Discussion: Megyn Kelly Grills Todd Akin On Infamous Rape Remark (VIDEO)

Discussion for article #225061

Further confirmation that Roger has instructed Fox staff to pivot back toward corporatist wing, away from T-party/social-conservative death spiral. Will be interesting to see if they can dial it back.


Akin is that uniquely Tea-Bagger combination of arrogance and ignorance that seems to endear him to them.
He KNOWS he is right, facts be-damned! (praise Jee-bus)
This whole Megan Kelly hard-ball is just the FOX News attempt to distance themselves from the Slavering-Monster they helped create (The Tea Party) and suck-up to the Corporatist Wing of the Republican Party, their true masters.


Actually, I think he’s instructed the FoxTox Blond Brigade to go after the easy targets like Akin (while giving Akin ample opportunity to revive old allegations against Bill) in a misguided attempt to create the appearance that Republicans actually give a damn about the wimmins issues like this whole rape thing the little dears seem to have their dizzy little heads in such a tizzy about. Given that Fox is overwhelmingly viewed by old white men, I’m not clear on how he thinks this will help in November.


“That’s why we did the apology.”

Is that the royal “we”? The editorial “we”? Or just another way to distance yourself from the comment you made?

I assume that if your statement had engendered the exact same response, the same level of outrage and horror, but had not precluded your election, you would be telling the people who objected to go fuck themselves. But because it cost you and the GOP a Senate seat you are filled, such as it is, with remorse.

Well, here’s a tip, bud: nobody’s buying this hollow apology. And you will live out your remaining days in shame and isolation. So, I guess, in the end, it all worked out just fine.


This idiot still thinks he can take the stink out of this poop!

I think you have a point. But I also think there is a very real, very pragmatic (e.g., $$$) desire to tamp-down T-Party craziness, which even Roger and Rince realize has outlived its usefulness. I think he wants to pivot the channel back toward the corporatist wing and its dictates.

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I suppose that depends on what you call “Akin type”. Joni Ernst in Iowa certainly qualifies in my opinion. Sasse from Nebraska and Cotton from Arkansas are considered tea partiers by nearly everyone as well.

But Ernst was the only one that won a primary that wasn’t expected to win.

Thing is she gave him the stage, the opportunity to walk it back and allowed him to deny that his comments offended woman…

fucking fox news…

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Do not fool yourself that the desire to “tamp down the crazy” is anything other than a temporary electoral aim, a hoped-for stunt to give the Broderites a warm fuzzy fee fee about the party they love that they can spew out to the people who still listen to/read them.

The crazy is the drug that Fox sells to people who are addicted to it and that crazy is what what sustains the GOP donation machine.

Tobacco companies can’t make people stop smoking. That is both impossible and financially suicidal. Instead, tobacco companies need to make non-smokers believe it is easy for smokers to quit smoking so they take the pressure off the dealers. Likewise, Fox and the GOP with the crazy.


“Look, Todd, you put us through a lot of shit. So while you’re out there promoting a book to retire the campaign debt you incurred when we bolted from your campaign en masse, we’re going to have to rough you up a little bit. If we stand to the side and give you an open platform, we’re going to hear about it later, and we’re going to be here a lot longer than you. If you don’t like it, you can always go on The Blaze.”

“Democrat Convention”, “Democrat War on Women”, “Democrat President”…it’s not an adjective you idiots.


Of course it isn’t anything other than a temporary electoral aim. I offer that analysis–such as it is–only because understanding the actual Fox/Rince intent is key to understanding how to counter it.

If they seriously wanted to tamp down the crazy, they wouldn’t have had Akin on at all. (And of course, what does he do? Make whiny, bat shit crazy accusations against the Clintons…so the crazy is still alive and well).

For example in this piece, Akin is going off on Hilary for daring to defend an accused person, even saying, she believed he was guilty.This in front of someone who graduated Law School…and no pushback.

I am not even sure that Kelly is “grilling” him here. It sounds more like she is trying to walk him through the apology…sort of like an actress helping an actor get through his lines after he forgot them.


I believe that Faux, especially the Fauxettes should talk about rape and the war on women all day every day.
Do any of them ever outright denounce rape or offer sympathy to the victims? Or, are their concerns more about image and protecting the rapists of the world?
How about getting Mr. Legitimate Rape himself to define the parameters because there are such fine lines.

Todd Akin’s counterpoint should have been, so Megyn, what was with the white Santa Claus thing and why are you the designated mean girl?

You’ve put your finger on something I intuited but hadn’t articulated. I think you’re spot-on.


yeah.how dare a lawyer accept a case defending an accused criminal.Next you will be saying that our justice system has something called due process

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My bad. I should have said “no one should fool themselves.”

Actually, it would be “no one should fool himself.”

“No one” is a singular construct and requires a singular pronoun.

n/p :slight_smile: