Discussion: Meet The Other Potential 'First Guy' Hitting The 2016 Trail: Frank Fiorina

Discussion for article #244817

Cruella De Vil’s HOUSE HUSBAND?
Man, is the GOP scraping the bottom of the barrel now…

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“People ask me, what’s it like being married to someone as powerful and as smart…and I say to them how the fuck would I know?”

There, fixed it.


I know more than enough about Frank Fiorina than I need to know, and her too for that matter They were both married to other people when they started fucking around together and from what I have read, they deserve each other,


Ah, hahahahaha! Bless your heart, TPM! NEVER going to happen!

The only thing Frank has potential for is being the ex-husband of a failed CEO and presidential wannabe. If he’s smart.

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Thanks for telling us what he was wearing --that was a nice touch!


Potential implies plausibility. Marcus Bachmann was as plausible a “first guy” as Frank Fiorina is.


I have about as much chance of being the First Man, and my wife hasn’t announced her candidacy yet.

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Why does the Associated Press waste time covering nonsense like this? There’s a better chance of a meteor wiping out the planet tomorrow.

I put the odds at him living in the White House next year at 10 billion to one or so, I guess that’s more potential than infinty but not much.

“People ask me, what’s it like being married to someone as powerful and as smart. It’s wonderful and it’s awful,” he joked to about 20 people gathered at a coffee shop in Marion, Iowa earlier this month. “Because everything she does is better than me.” (Frank Fiorina)

LOL! “Powerful and smart.” Mrs. Fiorina is anything but.

“…everything she does is better than me.” Aw, dude. I’m sorry to hear you’re such a loser.

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Somehow I feel badly for this poor prick!

Frank Fiorina has zero chance of being anything in the White House other than a tourist visitor.