Discussion: Meet The Man In The Middle Of The Boehner-Netanyahu-Obama Disaster

Discussion for article #233239

Simply and mildly put, Dermer is an unprincipled m-fer.


“The goal of the meeting was to diffuse the situation,” the aide said.

Yes, I’ll bet a lot of bullshit was spread, far and wide. I doubt it defused the situation, though.


“Meet The Man At The Center Of The Unprecedented US-Israel Rift”

The headline deflects responsibility a bit, no? Did Boehner HAVE to extend the invitation?


This is so backfiring on them. I am delighted. Netanyahu is a fucking little dictator and I am so happy the Israelis are seeing this scum bag for what he is


Ron Dermer has compromised Israel’s national security and foreign policy interests immeasurably through incompetence, ignorance and poor judgement. The Israeli president should step in, declare him persona non grata and have him recalled immediately. He could be reassigned to a desk job in Tel Aviv or to a consulate in say, the Pitcairn Islands.


In response, a Republican Jewish group has promised to publicize those who “put partisan politics ahead of principle and walk out on the prime minister of Israel,” as a top official put it.

Please proceed, idiots.


It take two to tango. Boehner is more guilty then this a-hole.


Please do. I’ll send a check to every Democrat who stands up and walks out on Netanyahu.


I really don’t understand what Boehner and Bibi think they get in return for pushing this stupid idea. It’s clearly causing friction that wasn’t there before between our two contries. It’s also made more Americans aware of Bibi’s apartheid settlement policy. This can’t be good for Israel. So it all comes down to personal ego and partisan politics. Why should the national security of a nation and its friendship with an ally be compromised for that? Israel could lose everything. Boehner and Bibi have already lost credibility. Stop it before the damage can’t be undone.


In response, a Republican Jewish group has promised to publicize those who “put partisan politics ahead of principle”

The right-wing capacity for projection never ceases to amaze me. And just repeating three action items I’ve nagged about before:
I hope any Jews here have already contacted their Dem reps about this; the non-Jewish ones need to know where most of us stand, and it isn’t with Bibi. And if you haven’t yet, call your nearest Israeli consulate and voice your outrage about this political stunt; the last thing Israel needs is to become a partisan issue here. (Those calls are reportedly having a real impact back in the home office.) And finally, if you want an effective counterweight to AIPAC, look into J Street – the more support they can show, the greater their influence will be.


Off topic, but has anyone seen this?


Dermer should be declared persona non grata, given 24 hours to clear out of the country, and the American ambassador to Tel Aviv should be “recalled for consultations”.



I really hope this sinks Bibi’s re-election chances. Please God, make it so.


I think any and all U.S. financial aid to Israel should be incrementally doled-out as Israel starts tearing down Israeli settlements that have been built on Palestinian land… I wouldn’t be surprised to learn that Netanyahu’s government is developing a plan to force Palestinians in occupied areas to get numbers tattooed on themselves.


Honestly, I really would like Obama to tell Bibi that this Douchebagowitz joker is no longer welcome as a diplomat.

SEND. HIM. HOME. He’s clearly more loyal to Israel than his country of birth and his presence here is nothing but an insult and a problem at this point.

Sort of makes me think of it as analogous to the observation that converts to a religion, like born-agains etc., are always the most fanatical. Well, this guy effectively converted from American to Israeli…and I kinda feel the same logic applies.


I still can’t believe there are Jewish Republicans… go figure.


There is always the danger that our relations with foreign countries, whether Israel or whatever, will be used by that country to gain a domestic political advantage at home. When that maneuvering for partisan political advantage coincides with a similar wish on our home front, the danger of the whole balance of the relationship becoming lopsided and partisan, driven by exclusively partisan motives, is very real and highly problematic. As special as our relationship is with Israel, we also have relations with other countries not exactly friendly or sympathetic to their interests or agenda.

That puts is in a position of having to walk the tightrope between competing international interests. Now Bohner has let a frank political operative get him to start shaking that tightrope. We are being played for suckers–and not by anyone Machiavellian enough to hide the wires, pulleys, and gears. I am sure they thought they were oh so clever when they hatched this scheme. It’s been badly bungled. I bet they wish they could find an exit strategy, fast, without looking even more reckless and incompetent. But they won’t. They bought the hot peppers of Hell, and now they will eat their investment to the last morsel. Only the really good, really clever, really hidden Cheaters ever prosper.


I’m guessing that a large swath on non-Jewish America wouldn’t care one way or another about Israel let alone be able to point it out on a map. And they would probably scratch their heads wondering why we give them $3billion a year in aid.


Minor edit/copy correction, I know, but In the paragaraph just below the photo of Bibi and Boehner, the sentence "Netanyahu might genuinely feel desperate enough to flaunt diplomatic norms and he has a real substantive disagreement with Obama over the Iranian negotiations. " should read "Netanyahu might genuinely feel desperate enough to flout diplomatic norms and he has a real substantive disagreement with Obama over the Iranian negotiations. "

I hate to be a grammar Nazi, but it’s a pet peeve of mine.