Discussion for article #237508
“Rather than expand liberty, such a judgment would not only ignore the deeply fulfilling marriages between same-sex-attracted men and women and their spouses, but would also constitutionally demean such marriages and families.”
Fucking batshit. Like a dehydrated man complaining that he only received water to slake his thirst because the other dehydrated man received wine.
OMG! We can’t have institutions like BYU, dependent on the government’s support via loans and grants, treat every citizen equally! BYU should be able to reach into tax paying citzens’ pockets (no homo) take the money and do as they damn well please!
Irony meter going off the charts on these relatively few gay men who wish to have the freedom to choose whatever they want for their own marriages but wish to deny so many other LGBT folks the same freedom of choice they have. All this because of the teachings of their closed-minded, limiting religious sect.
When dealing with Mormons always remember that the second m is silent.
“Danny’s own marriage would feel meaningless, trampling on his constitutional rights.” I am utterly unable to grasp this argument. Must be something I was born with.
Wait, I thought true Mormons can’t wear beards?
Subsequent Mormon prophets claimed propheting is hard…
(I don’t buy the all smiles potpourri act)
They can, however, marry one.
A pre-frontal cortex. Josh should be embarrassed at publishing this guff.
Maybe his two beards cancel each other out, like a double negative?
Rational thought is a helluva drug.
Disagree. It isn’t like Josh Marshall is pushing this opinion. He is giving us an opportunity to see what is behind an amicus submitted to the Supreme Court. I don’t see how that could be a bad thing. I thought it was well-written and interesting, even if for the life of me I couldn’t understand how they could hold such a position.
Fag hag…fruit fly. Whatever.
Is anyone truthful on this issue? How is this guy’s fake marriage “under attack” ? How is his marriage to a woman ( the one man one women thing takes for grated they are attracted to each other ) he is not attracted to threatened by the marriages of other that are attracted to each other? I think his “choice” to marry a person of a sex he is not attracted to the greatest threat to that marriage.
I am a Chevy guy but I don’t see my neighbors Ford as a threat. I have my Chevy and drive it as I wish. I could be in a sea of Fords and that would not change. So how is a marriage between Gay folks going to interfere with his marriage?
Gay aint a choice and Gay marriage aint a threat to anyone. If these assholes quite bullshitting themselves they would have no problem at all.
If they really did love one another then nothing would threaten their marriage.
BUT, after seeing all the shenanigans the MORON church did here in California when they went full throttle pushing Prop H8te, I’m not surprised that they’re doing this Hail Mary pass.
You hit it on the head.
AND, what these people are doing isn’t really traditional marriage. What these Mormons have done is create a business relationship that’s not same sex marriage and produces children. But, if that’s the criteria you’re gauging “marriage” as, then polygamy meets that criteria as well.
Doesn’t blow my mind. Business purely and simply: they want the benefits. I had a friend who was an out gay man but was married to a woman for the bennies. Didn’t blame him one bit.
If this family could mind their own business they would just be sad. But they won’t. They have to prevent other people from enjoying the kind of happiness they claim to have. That makes them not just, fools, but bigots.
“I can’t live the way want if everyone else can live the way they want because the way I want to live isn’t the way I really want to live.”