Discussion: Meet The Dem Who Could Oust One Of America's Most Right-Wing Governors

Discussion for article #227618

Brownback is currently on the attack, accusing Davis of being an Obama Republican. Interesting campaign. Kansans are still pissed over Brownback’s refusal to deal with the reality created by his ideological adherence to Koch trickle down conservatism. The roads in Kansas are deteriorating daily. Pretty soon they will be back to gravel.


I’ve read that some areas of Kansas have already been dumping gravel on hard paved roads because there is no money to properly repair hard paved roads.


Plus, Brownback is such a petty, vengeful ratfink that it’s easy to go negative against him. “Really? Attacking a high-school kid for posting a Brownback-critical Facebook update?” The ads write themselves.


If you go through the archives of polling data on real clear politics you’ll notice an interesting trend: Democrats have outperformed polling averages by an average of 3-5% on nearly every close Senate election for the last two election cycles. That rather significant when you consider how many Senate races are within that margin right now.

Check it out for yourself: http://www.realclearpolitics.com/epolls/latest_polls/

Click on the “RCP Senate Ratings Map” for 2012 & 2010 on the left side bar and then click on each “toss up” election. It’s a bit amazing how consistent the trend has been.

Edit: I tried to post a table showing exactly what I mean but I couldn’t format it correctly here. Here’s the summary:

In all 14 Senate races considered “toss ups” from their polling averages (7 races in 2010 and 7 races in 2012) the Democrats out performed the polling average in every single race.

The average by which the Democrats outperformed the polls was 4% in 2012 and 4.4% in 2010. The range for all of them was 2.4%-8.3%.

Now, RCP simply posts all polls conducted for a race and averages the results without any weighing or analysis. Their final average is just the average of all polls conducted in the last few weeks before the election.

What this implies is that, in close Senate races, there are accurate polls and polls with a Republican bias only. Very few of the polls conducted fell to the left of the election results and almost none were to the left of their margin of error.


I never thought I’d say this but Goooooo, Kansas!


But without Umbehr in the race, it would be a dead heat. That tells you just how many self-hating voters there are in KS.


Many people forget that Kansas had a 2 term female Democratic governor named Kathleen Sebelius. There may be some nuts in the state, but there are also a lot of sane people. Sebelius actually had 70% of the vote her 2nd term.


Buh bye Brownback!


Hilarious comment on the roads. I recall driving through Kansas in the late 1970s and early 70s, and many of the roads off the interstate were dirt.

Good news…Davis of Kansas, Burke of WI, isconson, and Davis in Texas…Take back the States from the tbag thugs…and D


Let the ousting begin and the whoopin’s continue.


Kansas actually has the 3rd highest number of paved highway miles in the nation. A great number of those miles are starting to deteriorate because Brownback has cut the budgets necessary for maintenance, and there’s just too many paved miles to maintain.


Democrats seem to be making a comeback here in mid-September. Polling looked gloomy for a while. I have my doubts as to whether they lose the Senate…I just don’t see it happening.


looks like there takeing a page from texass more like a piece of Toilet paper

It’s not just roads, though KS population is so spread out that good roads are very much needed. But Kansans, believe it or not, have always prided themselves on education, and Brownback has dug education at all levels into a really deep budget hole in the state. The state’s supreme court has ordered him to restore a huge chunk of the funding-- which his tax cuts have left the state without the ability to pay. He’s deep-sixed teachers who were already underpaid, and in general flipped off everyone who actually cares about education. There are other areas of shall we politely say dissatisfaction, but education and those roads are biggies for most of the state’s residents regardless of party. And they’re both very visible and immediate results of Brownback’s policies.


In Journalism School, we learned about an experiment at the Topeka Daily Capital where the editors let a local preacher publish the paper for a day “the way Jesus would have done it.” The experiment was not repeated. Maybe TEA party government is proving to be something of the same thing in Kansas, an interesting theory but an awful result.


“Davis (pictured)”


Folks in-the-know should get to know that face, it will reappear on your political radar screens (and blogs) much more frequently in the coming weeks, as the election approaches.


imagine wandering around in a fantasy world based on “Conservapedia”…

Progressive Kansans know what I mean. Since 2009, particularly.


If these whiplash victories that Kansas Democrats might achieve in November actually happen, it is pretty good proof that there’s not as much the matter with Kansas as some have speculated.

The fact is, this state has, over the past 50 years, quite reliably teetered and tottered between Republican and Democratic Party governors. This would, no doubt, be the widest ideological swing through those decades, but if the pattern holds, this correction may have been more inevitable than exceptional.

The extremist overreach of the Tea Mob may have accelerated it a couple years, though, and Brownback’s habit of giving state tax revenues back to the billionaires isn’t popular with everyone else involved, especially the local school boards.