What a tremendous waste of time and money. Uncreative billboards that only sing to the choir aren’t going to change a goddamned thing and they’d be idiots if they didn’t know that. They just seem mean-sprited and spiteful because their shitty business was forced to comply with laws designed for common decency. They’re just terrible people hiding behind religion. If I were God I’d be pissed and tell them to go feed some hungry people.
These sorts of christianist extremists are really a one-trick pony. They have convinced themselves that gay marriage is the hill to die on. What they totally ignore (and what’s far, far, far more explicitly “evil” in the bible) is adulterous marriage. The book of superstitions (the bible) they profess to follow barely says anything about gayness or homosexuality. But, it is crystal clear on what adultery is and what the wages of it are. In fact, “adultery” is one of the 10 commandments. It’s so high up on god’s list of no-nos that the 7th commandment was reserved just for that sin. But, go ask any preacher, any congregant, any theologian and you’ll see them avoid this issue like the plague. They know full well that if they truly followed the bible and refused to perform/sanction adulterous marriage, half the congregation would head for the door. You see, gay people are easy targets; they’re “the other”, the “strange”, the “unnatural” among the holy brethren who sit in judgement even though the bible says not to judge. On the other hand, think of all the adulterers that populate the pews (and pulpits) of the most holy churches of our great land.
So, if you want to have some fun, start making calls to churches in your area and ask why the church abets the sin of adultery by marrying anyone who’s been married before. Ask the church leaders why they allow adulterers to walk down the aisle in front of children who are getting the message that it’s just fine to disobey scripture (and god) when it’s convenient. Oh, holy day!
Not to burst their anti-gay bubble, but technically, that could a lesbian couple, one of whom wears pants. Or a man married to male bagpipe player. Or a man or woman with a cross-dressing spouse.
So, OK, God… you want some help? Well, let’s talk tithing… that’s the weekly kick back we’ll be asking from you… we’ll start at 10%…We will also expect some miracles… at least quarterly… the first to be a reversal of global warming. Next quarter, we want an end to war. Once you’ve proved to us that you’re serious, and you are who you say you are… we’ll get to work on making sure one of every couple getting married is wearing a dress.
Rafael Cruz is desperate to say the least. His constituency is whomsoever anyone with brains wouldn’t lead.
Gay Christians throw a big wrench into the anti-Gay gears don’t they. One Christian tossing out another because of imperfections pretty much goes against what Christianity is about. Really, if Christianity gets twisted to justify throwing out whoever you don’t like, then hungry and poor people are next on the true believers list.
The Odgaards are radical Anabaptists! Mennonites who would have us all wearing the same Simplicity pattern frock, looking like 15th century weirdos that created them!
“‘Please … I need your help with this!’ – God”
I guess their God isn’t all powerful, or really very powerful at all to have to go begging for “help”! We must ask them where their “biblical marriage” beliefs are actually expressed in the bible…that ought to keep them busy, because they’re not in the bible anywhere. Plus, who gives a shit what’s in the bible? We currently (gulp) don’t live in a christian theocracy as far as I know!
Look at their ignorant faces. Their gums flapping, but not a thought in their ignorant heads. It would be a shame, but since they’re obvious morons, I guess it isn’t. I’m glad they’ve deprived themselves of what looked like a fine income, and will now spend themselves into penury fighting a cause that has already been lost. Yay!
Their conduct violated Iowa’s anti-discrimination law, which is broader and pre-dates Iowa’s extension of equality of marriage rights to same sex couples. It’s true that the Odegaards apparently followed the state law, until the prospect of a wedding reception involving a same sex couple came up. In order to settle the civil rights claim, they could either follow the state law of providing services to all Iowans or they could cease to honor that particular service to anyone. They chose to shut down their wedding reception business.
This couple needs to mind their own damn business and stay out of other people’s relationships…they are not privy to the intimate details NOR do they have the right to dictate to others who they shall love!