Nice to see the left hitting back. Hit them in their pockets…
It is nice to see the left hitting back. The big difference is that we are listening to actual recordings, not spinning conspiracy theories.
Tucker is someone I could put aside my grace for just a moment to punch him in the face. #FireTuckerCarlson
Look for the GOP to explore banning boycotts on “free speech” grounds.
Remember when Jonathan Stewart called Carlson a dick?
Finally someone who knows how to play the game! Personally, I don’t think Tucker is going to survive this and it couldn’t happen to a nicer douche.
Why are these tapes appearing now ?
Tucker has been a public fool for many years, is it a food-fight at Fox ? Did Sean leak them ?
More “naughty” talk from Tucker! Can’t wait to hear him try to trivialize what I’m guessing will be his racist comments.
Tucker could raise a lot of money for charity if he had a punch my face booth at the state fair. Hell, I’d kick in a few Jacksons for the cause.
ETA: Internet cat pic
You know Jon Stewart is loving this, hopefully he will be on Late Night with Stephen Colbert tonight!
I’m thinking Shep Smith or Chris Wallace.
“More Carlson Tapes Coming, Centered On ‘Race And Ethnicity’.”
“This has to be socialist Media Matters fake news coz David Brock was in the tank for Hillary and has big hair.”!!
I’m thinking it had to be a woman - one of the quiet ones.
Me, I think Carlson is cynically playing to his Fox audience for ratings. His ratings are important to him financially, and what better way to get ever-higher ratings than to say whatever over-the-top crap his hungry audience expects. Carlson is a manipulative whore.
Tucker seems to be changing his bait & moving his boat to where the fish are - - he is kinda drying up where he is - and going to catch more followers if he throws out ugly and stinky bait to the grimier / nastier fish.
Yup. Makes sense.
yes - exactly - - he can live forever mining the ugly vein of hate - while it is a decided minority - there is a small concentrated portion of the population that will lap up every drop of venom that he can pour out.
To be fair, it literally could be anyone (is his mother still alive?). On the scale of likability he’s not qualified to compete.
ETA: The Greeks of course give a likability of Φ