“If there’s an agreement that benefits the American people, certainly.”
Seeing as " the American people" don’t own planet Earth, no.
If America is out of the agreement, it’s out.
Why didn’t Trump Tweet this?
I don’t know. I think Trump could be persuaded to sign back in, with very little in terms of changes.
The important thing to Trump was to do away with everything Obama accomplished. Once that is done, he has no issue with resigning the same agreements, so long as HE gets the credit for it.
McMaster is such a fucking brilliant man
Oh, for fucks sake!
Hard to see how breathable air and discernible seasons would benefit us.
Sincere question: were previous NSAs on television this much?
Lieutenant General HerbRay is trying to say Cockholster “will revisit it and make a decision in a couple of weeks. The best decision. The best decision. That I can tell you. Believe me.”
Typical libtard. The Uni-Season will be much more efficient. You only need one set of clothes.
I hope Josh can find a good detox program for Esme. A few more weeks of exposure to this BS might cause permanent harm.
If it weren’t such an important issue, I wouldn’t blame the rest of the world for not letting us back in.
Here’s how the Paris Climate Accord works.
Each signatory declares a carbon reduction goal that it decides all on its own and submits a plan to accomplish it. Periodically, a report gets submitted describing progress on accomplishing the goals. If the goals aren’t being met, the other representatives are allowed to finger wag or offer 'c’mon! You can do it! We have faith in you!" pep talks or say “yeah, we’re sucking at meeting our goals, too!,” depending on what they think works best or what’s in their national interest. If a nation fails to meet its goal at the end, it will lose prestige. That’s the only penalty.
And that’s it. That’s the whole agreement. No goals imposed by other countries. No methods, no means specified. That’s the “terrible deal” the mentally ill Orange Shitgibbon ignormamus ran against. That’s what he withdrew us from.
But, of course, on Fox, it’s still this terrible deal that allowed those sneaky Chinese to impose very, very unfair caps and quotas on the United States because Obama, that’s how they’ll talk about it, that’s what it is. Because Fox is a legitimate news source, dontcha see.
And commenting about stuff outside their purview ?? Maybe they take turns to carry the trash for Trump ?
I agree. So long as he believes that he’s some kind of hero saving the day, he might go along with it.
But the Paris Accord has multiple players in it and they may get tired of playing these games with the regime. (i.e. they’re in, they’re out, etc.) Not to mention, if the reprobates in the regime insist on actually pushing this “American prosperity” garbage, then we may very well be out.
Yeah. A haz-mat suit.
McMaster: Pres. Trump could stay in Paris agreement “if there’s an agreement that benefits the American people.” https://t.co/kHRjEMvwee pic.twitter.com/irtSdfEbJj
— This Week (@ThisWeekABC) September 17, 2017
Yes, we Americans are a unique species of life on this planet, who play by entirely different rules than the rest of humanity.
Diaper station duty was probably not what McMaster expected when he signed on. And shampooing the rug?
Shorter McMaster: Find a way for the Grifter-in-Chief to take a cut, world.