Discussion: McGahn Lawyer Assures POTUS Legal Team: 'He Did Not Incriminate' Trump

You didn’t have to, Trump has already sufficiently incriminated himself. You’re just confirming things. Thanks!


‘He Did Not Incriminate Trump’

Doesn’t have to. Trump incriminates himself at least three times a week.


He told me, “Gee, I wish I had all the money in that bank.”

I was not there when he robbed the bank. But, I learned later he did.

I did not incriminate him (a lot of people wish they were rich) and I did not observe him committing a crime.


Yes, that’s the point - McGahn has an obligation to tell the truth. Whatever follows from that, If it confirms or suggests that someone else has not told the truth is not down to him. And, the POTUS and his lawyer have confirmed as much.


Rachel had a funny segment last night on the journos’ white washing of McGahn. This guy is a weasel who is not changing his ways. He is likely in self preservation mode and realizes the Federalistas got what they needed from tRump and what happens to the dotard going forward is no big whoop.


Trump committed a crime about which he bragged publicly. How could McGahn incriminate Trump?
There are so many ways to spin what the lawyer said. I only find it amusing that they tried.
30 hours sounds like time to cover a lot more issues than the three mentioned.


More kabuki.


He’s saying this to save his own job. There’s just no way for him to know this.

He has no idea whether Trump has lied to him. He has no idea what the others have told Mueller.

And they’re fools to believe him. But they’ve been fools all along…

As usual, Maddow hits the nail on the head. McGahn is a Republican loyalist and party hack who has been involved in GOP election shenanigans his entire career. A willingness to serve the party and the conservative movement at any cost was the only path to success for this two-bit lawyer, whose law school (Widener School of Law) is so dismal that it is not even ranked.


Not the best law school in the universe but:

Do they offer law degrees off the back of a matchbook cover after a remittance of $5?

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Thanks. I stand corrected. A few years ago, Widener Law wasn’t ranked at all. I guess it’s now crawled to the coveted spot of #143.

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So I’ve said that McGhan has better lawyers than Trump, I’m also guessing that he has a better PR team. McGhan is not a hero posing as a villain, he is a villain. Who in this production is scamming who?

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Well, regarding McGahn’s shenanigans at the FEC and elsewhere, I guess the die was cast even before he went to law school.

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" McGahn did not observe the President committing any crimes and he would have left his post at the White House if he had, according to the Post."

Sir, I am so full of integrity, that I can assure you that if I saw the bullet leave the gun my client fired, I would have walked away in disgust. As it it, I will stay and defend my client from the murder charge.

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Should have asked about Roger Stone.

IMO all these types of reactions - article as well your response - miss the point. Trump may well have left to McGahn all (my guess is more likely between most & a lot of) control over Trump campaign, transition period & post inaugural election financing. That is, after all, McGahn’s area of legal expertise (his ONLY one, AFAWCT).

So it should come as no surprise to anyone that McGahn ‘could’ talk for many hours with Meuller’s People about campaign, transition and post-inaugural fund raising, accounting, reporting and dispersal. As much, possibly most if not all that would involve things on which there’d be no direct hands on involvement by Trump during the process that put such monies under McGahn’s control, due simply to Trump having delegated to McGahn.

HOWEVER, some reporter should have asked Burck about whether anything McGahn said to the OSC incriminated Roger Stone. The answer would, of necessity, be quite different.

If his lawyer is being truthful, either Robert Mueller handled Don McGahn with kid gloves or or more likely, Don McGahn committed perjury.

Preshitident Skanky-Manslut and First Lady Iwanka Trump should fire him for disloyalty to their family and Trump Skank Incorporated. Don McGahn cannot be trusted.

My guess? Mueller & Co had a long list of things for which they needed corroborated, or for which they needed context. McGahn provided confirmation and context in a framework that was already there. Thus, he implicated Trump in nothing, because the most damning information was already there. He just made sure the i’s were all dotted and the t’s were all crossed.

When Ghouliani freaks out about “truth is not truth” it’s because the situation won’t be “he said, he said”, it will be “he said, everyone else said”…

The walls are closing in. Mueller will not indict Spankee, at least not as long as he’s in office. But Spankee is not king and one day he’ll be out of office.