Discussion: McDonnell's Wife Sent Racy Email To Donor She Had 'Crush' On

Discussion for article #225844

Her favorite position? Bent over a checkbook and facing Neiman-Marcus


Well maureen, get ready for some earth shattering sex at your next vacation stop. No reservation necessary. companions will be provided free of charge. Hope the same happens to your stupid ass husband. Virginia should be real proud to have voted in these two special people who obviously cared deeply about the people along with god and country. Nice try Jonnie, they weren’t up to the task so you can write it off as a tax loss.


Maureen was overcome with orgiastic awe and felt the earth move under her as Jonnie loosed a loud, reverberating, noisome fart, which set the dogs barking and blew out a window.

“Oh dear,” Maureen said, “What if the neighbors hear?”

‘Well don’t you worry sweetcheeks, I’ll just buy them each a Rolex watch to hush them up…’

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So it wasn’t a tits-for-tat relationship according to Williams. “I gave all those expensive gifts and had all those emails and phone calls with her, just because…”?

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Quid Pro Poontang



Lying, money-grubbing good Christian people.


So who made the 1,200 calls and texts between Maureen? Did Williams provide the couple and crew with cell phones on his account? Something is wrong here, all of them are lying.


… because the John had more money than her lame husband.???

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Need to get more popcorn! This is great theater, Hollywood can’t do better than this, except maybe get better looking players.

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This is the defense strategy to deflect the actual corruption made by the governor himself by providing a cover via his wife to have some sort of personal relationship or a crush per say. Remember his wife is not an elected offical so by saying the gifts received are not for political purposes. The main stream media should not fall in to this and make this as a tabloid news.

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This defense might just work. Sickening? Yes. Effective? Maybe.

[quote=“answerfrog, post:14, topic:7838”]
This has “hard time” written all over it.
[/quote] Praise The Lord!

Does that also mean he’ll lose (give up?) his “right” to vote and carry a gun?


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Wait… so did Bob feel the earth move too taking the watch knowing that it was clearly bribery? I’m having a hard time following the logic.

If there’s any justice in the universe these despicable grifters will be squatting on stainless steel toilets in separate prison cells for the rest of their lives.

You heartless bastards. Can’t we think about the children? Who is going to grift Range Rovers for them and bail them out of their public drunkenness busts?

Yes, it is amazing, the wrong people (not just bec they’re Republicans) attain legitimate positions of power with the opportunity to do good, and then seemingly out of nowhere appears a man with a smile and a tail, the consummate grifter, Jonnie Williams, Supplement King, to do what he does best - gain peoples’ confidences. And Governor Bob and his former cheerleader wife blissfully go along for the ride as Jonnie Williams sets in motion decisions that will ruin their lives.

Either way - good riddance.

And her favorite “wine” (re: “whine”) to go with it afterwards is, “You never take me anywhere. You never buy me ____ (insert high dollar item). I need a new car.”

A slut for graft? (my apologies to sluts everywhere)