Discussion: McDonnell Files Emergency App With SCOTUS To Remain Free Awaiting Appeal

Discussion for article #239629

Good luck with that, gov. vaginal probe. Remember not to drop the soap in the prison shower!


If he could only bribe Roberts with a Rolex or a Ferrari…


I predicted months ago McDonnell would never spend a day in jail post-conviction. He won’t. He’s a member of the club.

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hey Bob… maybe you should consider going in while you’re still pretty enough to be able to choose your special new friend…

Text of said Emergency Appeal: “But, but, but…I’m a RICH WHITE GUY!!! I can’t GO TO PRISON!!! OH MY GOD!!!”


Well, if SCOTUS can do it for poor people of color … oh, wait.


they’d better cut Siegelman loose before they offer McDonnell any consolation, or the sheer hypocrisy that the Corporate 5 on the Supreme Court represent will be ever so exposed.


That’s why he let his hair go grey, for that silver Fox look…

McDonnell: But, but, but I thought uttering the abracadbra phrase “I’m Right to Life” meant that all my sins were forgiven!

Oh, he WILL go Prison: The Minimum Security “Country-Club” Prison with no fences, private bedrooms and showers, and access to the Golf Course.

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If Gov. McDonnell begins his two-year sentence immediately, as will be required absent relief from this Court, he will have no remedy if this Court later invalidates his conviction.

Of course, this is true of every convicted felon, but they aren’t special snowflakes like McDonnell.


Agree 100%. Conservatives are very loyal and look out for each other. I expect Scalia and the other RATS will stand up for Governor Forced Vaginal Ultrasound just as they did for Vice President George Bush the Dumber.


I’m d***ned tired of Repubs wasting my tax dollars.

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He’s not in the club. He and his wife did not have enough money to live the lifestyle the “governorship” required. That is why she got people to buy her dresses and take her on buying trips to NYC. If they could have used all their influence as they tried, to get paid big bucks for access, they might have eventually been in the “club,” but basically, old money (Bush, Romney, Forbes) are in the club and the others are just wannabes…until they grift enough to get in.


Exactly how does this work? How come this one guy gets to apply for an emergency appeal from the Supreme Court when all the other convicted felons basically have no chance?

Even when convicted, some people get to fall ahead.


Some of these guys thrive in prison. Take Duke Cunningham. He got only 8 years in the end and got more than a year off for being a model prisoner and even becoming an advocate for prison reform. I’m sure Bob McDonnell will do fine. Two years? Pfffft. He could be out in 13 months if he plays his cards right. And he could get some new insights into the prison-industrial complex!

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Being an old white male and of the REPUG persuasion you can expect some justice like Thomas saying what he did was justifiable…

All you say is right, but that is not the goal of this felon. He wants to get off. He will not help other felons once he is out, because he is “better” than they are. What I don’t know is who will finance him after all this. He may even hVe to get a … Job.

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How is he capable of affording this law firm? Given how his personal wealth just withered away he has to have someone fronting him the cash.

Now that would be an interesting news item to report on.