Discussion: McDonnell Donor 'Knew It Was Wrong' To Buy Ex-Guv A Rolex Watch

Discussion for article #225786

So it took ole’ Johnnie W. a lifetime to learn the lessons the poors, Democrats and folks of color get to learn by puberty … schaden really IS freude :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


“McDonnell Donor ‘Knew It Was Wrong’ To Buy Ex-Guv A Rolex Watch”

s/b “McDonnell Donor ‘Knew It Was Wrong’ To Buy Then-Guv A Rolex Watch”

“Ex-Guv” denotes that McDonnell wasn’t governor at the time the grift occurred.


The newest movie title:


Hey Bob, what time is it?!


Puberty? I learned something like this was bribery at my momma’s knee.

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“I shouldn’t have had to buy things like that (Rolex watch) to get the help I needed,” Williams said, as quoted by the Post. "

Like he HAD to --no choice between doing things he knew were wrong and making a living without sucking off the government teat. Government isn’t about boosting individual businesses. Oh wait…


“I forgot armed robbery is a crime. My bad.”

                                                       Virginia Gov. Bob McDonnell (R) 

…and McScruple knew it was a crime to accept bribes…

Well played, Madam/Sir…

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I am so looking forward to McDonnell doing the perp walk straight to prison


Calling this guy a donor is like calling a Vampire a recipient. In Republican speak, a huge bribe backed up with free favors and more bribes is considered a political donation. Oh, and the “donor” apparently had an inappropriate relationship with the Governor’s wife and she with him just to spice things up and add texture.

This isn’t a matter of whether or not there is guilt, it is about the degrees of guilt for all three of these crooks. It doesn’t get much more blatant than this.

Reimbursement to the state and serious jail-time are the only true justice. Well, that and the knowledge that McDonnell has that he was a flash in the pan, also-ran, out before he was in, vaginal probing freak.


Going more on HIS OWN WORDING, it’s more, ‘I knew it was wrong to entice her by OFFERING to get her husband a luxury wrist timepiece it looked to me pretty obvious they couldn’t afford to buy on their own’.

Don’t get me wrong: I’m not saying that because this guy Williams is a self-admitted apple-offering snake that the guber (or impending guber) and his spouse were somehow duped or otherwise innocent in this particular, or that the prosecution is wrong in having chosen to immunize him as a star witness against the bigger fish; I think the choice is justified and the fact that Williams is a snake comes with the territory of these sorts of cases.

But I do find it unacceptable that Williams would seek to portray his own choice in acting to ensnare them into obligation towards his bogus venture as justifying complaint. ‘What an awful corrupt world, where snakes like me are given temptation to act like snakes.’

Well, I wouldn’t want to get too attached to that image coming true. Another way of justifying the line of ‘defense’ the two sets of defending attorneys are going with is as really being towards what sort of sentence gets meted out. The Virginia legislature effectively makes it difficult to impossible for a candidate of average independent means to run for governor. Indeed, the independently wealthy current governor is the default.

The Virginia state legislature effectively is saying, we want someone who’s corrupt by nature: either already corrupt coming in, or easily susceptible to corruption once elected. Moreover, I should think this same ‘ideal’ would apply in dozens, if not the majority, of states. Being a state legislator is at least as often about influence-peddling as it is about altruism or as a stepping-stone to national office, and you can’t very well market your state seat unless you’ve got at least some hold on the governor’s office.

The McDonnald’s are CORRUPT! Stop with the crush crap.


Make the time fit the crime.

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The McDonnells both had a crush on money.

Isn’t that what I said albeit in a lot fewer words?

Oh I like that! “Vaginal probing freak!” Yes, indeedy. Thank you!

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Well, I love the part where the missus’ defense is that her marriage was all but toast, she had a crush on the sleazy snake-oil salesman and so she asked said snake-oil salesman to buy the hubby a $6-7,000 watch.

And I also love it that the jury is passing the Rolex around amongst themselves, presumably fondling it and getting a real feel for greedy excess.

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