Discussion: McDaniel Campaign: Trio Locked In Courthouse Were Sent By Campaign

Discussion for article #223553

At 2 am??? They need to get their stories straight.


Sounds plausible. They go in to observe the count of an election that is thisclose, and then the counters leave without noticing that the three campaign operatives who had been observing them were still there.
Happens all the time.


I find it suspicious that they were out at that hour without masks.


That is the response from yesterday, when the story started to break. Now they have had a night to mull things over, lets see how much it changes today.


Typically poll observers are assigned by candidates, approved by the election officials and not sent at some odd hour of the process. So the campaign is speaking to its ignorant wing with the message.

McDaniel is Jim Crow, John Birch, NeoConfederate, KKK and low IQ Billy all rolled into one. One sick MF


Mississippi will be sorry if they elect McDaniel but it won’t be the least bit surprising. Nina Simone said it best in her song ‘Mississippi Goddamn’ . . . . .

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Most reasonable states have set rules and regulations for “observers” of vote counts. “Observers”, be they press or members of one political faction or another, must be there at the beginning of the count, usually in a public room where they can sit and watch, not roam around, except to the rest room close by. They can leave at any time, but cannot re-enter the building. Most counting is complete within 3-4 hours, five hours if there is a major logistical issue. Polls are usually closed by 8 PM, so by 1 AM, it is unlikely vote counting was still continuing. One or two observers per newspaper, TV station, etc, and one or two from each of the candidates’ groups, all with cell phones, able to report results back, that’s more than enough “observation”. This story from McDaniel’s campaign makes no sense at all.


Yeah, that’s the ticket.

yeah nothin suspicious about any of that…cause a republicon would never ever cheat to win…ya know I typed all that without bustin out laughin


I always thought it was against fire code to have doors you can’t open from the inside when locked.

On another note…if we take their explanation at face value, they seem very paranoid about the vote counting. How many people do they need to send down to one county to observe the count? By the way, how did the count come out in that county?


oh… that is not right.

“It’s not the people who vote that count. It’s the people who count the votes.” (Joseph Stalin)

It seems pretty simple. The McDaniel campaign was just going to “count” the votes. At 2 a.m. Nothing to see here…


See, there you go. Fire inspectors are another example of big government bureaucracy run amok! If it had been up to the free market to design a corporately-sponsored courthouse, the doors would have worked just fine and they could have just let themselves out.

Why won’t anyone talk about the real victims in all this, the poor people locked in the building??? And they were just doing their civic duty to prevent illegal aliens from casting votes.


Even more unlikely when the building is closed and you have to sneak through a side door to get in.


It seems that McDaniel’s people want to relive the 2000s ratf***ing Karl Rove–but they end up coming off like a 2014 version of Karl’s drunken, stupid, clueless siblings.

ohio 2004.
aside from the warning from homeland security of an imminent terrorist threat against the local county courthouse where the vote counting was underway (resulting in the press and independent observers being thrown out), you might want to check out the google machine to read about michael connell, the ohio bush IT guy who sadly was killed in a plane crash just before he was to testify about suspected shenanigans (like servers that were located out of state)


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As long as you’re a Repukie who loves guns and Jeezus in that order, there’s nothing like breaking and entering to get you the nomination for Senate.

This psycho little douche canoe will probably win.

Why call the county GOP chairman for help? If they were really locked in by accident, you’d think they’d call the police.


Yeah, “observe the tallying,” sure thing. Is that what they’re calling it now?

I think some objective party should go find out exactly which doors were locked to prevent exit instead of entrance. This whole story smells fishy.

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