Discussion: McDaniel Campaign Giving Contradictory Statements On Blogger Break-In

Discussion for article #222861

Ahh, it’s nothing like good ‘God fearing’ tea partiers caught lying and bearing false witness.


Praise Jeebus. Whoa GLORY!


She should call herself Melanie Sojourner Non-Truth

McDaniel’s campaign manager, Mississippi state Sen. Melanie Sojourner ®, reportedly called the Cochran campaign Saturday morning to express outrage that blogger Clayton Thomas Kelly broke into the nursing home to photograph Cochran’s wife, Rose.


Been kinda following this story, and it occurs to me that an outfit should be smarter than a bunch of seventh graders to get into politics.


Didn’t stop Wasilla Kardashian


Next up? The McDaniel campaign will claim that there are no contradictions, but that the Bagger-To-English - Southern Edition app used by “them tar Yankee 'leetists” isn’t correct.

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One thing that occurred to me recently is that you always hear about relatively liberal-minded enclaves in otherwise generally conservative states, like Raleigh in NC, Eureka Springs in AR, Austin in TX, Athens in GA, even Salt Lake City (to a lesser degree) in UT. But there doesn’t really seem to be anywhere like that in Mississippi or Alabama.

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This is what happens when you have no meaningful policy when running for office.

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Pop corn, where’s my popcorn? I need it …repubs are eating their own again.


It’s President Obama’s fault.

When Teabaggers start whining about the liberal media, Benghazi or an indictment is not far behind.

Contradictory responses from a seemingly unconnected campaign committee about an unethical break-in???

THIS is where the Watergate analogies belong, not with the Benghazi farce.

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What a complete non story. McDaniels had nothing to do with
the inappropriate behavior and it couldn’t matter less the exact
time he learned of the arrest. Obama lies daily about EVERY
issue, many that have resulted in deaths - Obamacare, Benghazi,
Fast and Furious, VA, IRS, etc. There is a complete criminal enterprise being run out of the WH. This is a non-event. Don’t
even get me started on the lies from the Clintons.