At this rate North Carolina could join the 21st Century.
Good. It has been painful listening to this empty suit whine about everything.
Boy, life just keeps getting better and better.
Don’t let the unisex bathroom door hit you in the ass on your way out of the State Capitol, McCrory.
Let’s try for the 20th century first. Small steps…
Let’s hope this has an effect on the legislature as well.
I know this doesn’t really mean a lot right now but…ISN’T IT WONDERFUL??? It would restore my faith in the voters of NC…
Oh HE’S not an ‘empty suit’. He is a fully bought and paid for corporate shill.
The only way he could lose is by being stupid. Mission accomplished!
Heck, I’ll be happy when they get past the Civil War and Reconstruction and drag themselves out of the 19th Century…
See 'ya, bagger!
They have 84 years to accomplish this, so I’m sure there is no rush…
Does anyone have a sense of if or how much the NBA All-Star game pulling out of Charlotte might have impacted these numbers? The HB2 legislation is affecting these numbers, surely. But I wonder to what degree the NBA recusing itself has played a role.
Let’s hope this trend continues across the country!
gop/bags lose the white house, the senate, the house and most every state election!
I can’t wait for the election night results! Just like in 2008, it’s going to be grand!
That is the best news I’ve heard all week!! Thanks North Carolina and Monmouth!
All the voter suppression in the world will not be able to help him with this margin.
Unfortunately , Mr McCrory , like Donny Boy , has underground voters . /s
That’s quite a spike.
Did McCrory do anything dumber than usual in the last little bit?
Darn, you stole my post!!!