Discussion for article #229823
Did anyone notice that McConnell was reading heavily from a teleprompter. The horror! When will the pundits and Obama catcallers call him out on that! ??
I’m actually (despite my disappointment) quite curious to see what the Republicans get up to now. Will the actually attempt to govern (with the occasional political vote, as any party in power does)? Or will they fall prey to the Cruz wing and find themselves scattered between egos and ambitions and Tea Party demands?
In any case, we have a silver lining: the R’s either shape up and govern, which we all agree is necessary in a two-party system (even if we don’t agree with them, we still need a viable second party, not a nihilist group of obstructionists); or they continue to act like buffoons, in which case the 2016 Democratic nominee can steamroll into office on a reverse wave.
I honestly don’t know which party we’ll see. It will be interesting.
The Senate map for 2016 is worse for the GOP than the 2014 map was for the Dem’s. The majority will surely flip back in two years. Plus the built-in edge for Dem’s in every presidential year means yet more Dem wave.
Frankly, the most interesting result this year for me was Brownback in Kansas. His economic experiment is failing, and a Dem governor would have salved some of the fallout. But now it all the GOP’s problem. That little government example might be the lesson everyone needs to see to repudiate “tax-cuts-for-the-rich” once and forever.
Shut-down of the government assured Jan 20, 2015…
The GOP Senate efforts over the next two years can be explained in one word: Bloviate
One can only hope that Obama realizes that he has absolutely nothing to lose, and that payback feels awesome.
Yea I was just thinking if the Republicans were smart they’d move to the left and pass some decent legislation. Then they’d probably be all set to win the president next go round. And I wish they’d do it because I don’t care what side is in charge as long as they have decent legislation…unfortunately the major hurdle is the being smart…
Let Ted Cruz lead the charge to shut the government down and see how well that goes over. It’s just one more proof of their intellectual and social bankruptcy that they simply do not have the moral resources to reform tehmselves. Hopefully they will do it and put the Republican party beyond the pale to all but the extremely witless voters for generations to come, which would effectively mean the complete dissolution of the Greedy Old (White) People’s Party. An outcome to be devoutly wished for.