Discussion for article #222948
If RANDY does not get the attention he craves, he’s just not in.
Paul was dreading that he would get called out for trying to be in both camps on this election since Bevin declared. He made deals with McConnell ahead of the election,even providing him TP campaign staff as part of the deal. But he knows he needs to keep his TP creds alive and well for a run in 2016.
Bevin just made it a lot easier on him by running such a pitiful campaign. That way Paul didn’t have to bother supporting what everyone knew was forgone conclusion…he merely had to be as quiet as possible and let it run its course.
Bevin should have played this card months ago. But like his campaign to date,he blew his chance.
I think Republicans in Kentucky should overwhelmingly elect this man in the primary. They DESERVE him,
Grimes wouldn’t stand a chance.
I’m reeeaaally, reaaaally looking forward to seeing the margin of victory tonight. It’s highly likely I’m completely wrong but the huge amount of enthusiasm I’m seeing for Bevin is something I just can’t shake. Still, I know all credible polling says this should be a double digit victory for McConnell. I’m not suggesting Bevin can win or will necessarily get close, but I don’t think it will be the blowout everyone says it will be. But then I chose the Zune over the iPOD so…
I don’t deserve any of this crazy shit.
Here’s hoping Ms. Grimes defeats the Turtle in November! As long as the Democrats there get out the vote, she has a fair chance.
Shoot, ironicially, the problem isn’t Democrats coming out to vote. The problem is Democrats coming out to vote for the Democrat. KY Democrats have a 500,000 voter ID advantage, but so many of them send Democrats to Frankfort and Republicans to DC. SMDH
As I’ve said before, there’s no doubt that “some” of Bevin’s support will go to the Turtle. OK, fine However, I really think there’s a pretty big portion that won’t. There’s a real lack of solid support for the Turtle that makes me believe that he just can’t pull it off against Grimes.
Yup, Dems have to come out for Grimes and put her over the finish line no matter how slim that line may be. I think it’ll happen.
Well, you live there and see whats on the ground better than I do. But I am going to go with McConnell winning easily by double digits.
Any idea of what the voter turn out is looking like, though? Down here in GA, its looking pretty abysmal, which means who emerges for the run off is still going to be anybody’s guess.
OK, fine However, I really think there’s a pretty big portion that won’t. There’s a real lack of solid support for the Turtle that makes me believe that he just can’t pull it off against Grimes.
In a recent Bluegrass Poll, only 39% of Bevin voters said they’d vote for McConnell in the general. 25% said they’d go with Grimes.
Any idea of what the voter turn out is looking like, though? Down here in GA, its looking pretty abysmal, which means who emerges for the run off is still going to be anybody’s guess.
Turnout looks to be as abysmal as GA’s sounds, less than 2010. Low turnout, as you know, would very much favor Bevin. I’m very interested to see what Grimes vote total is too.
25% of Bevin supporters say they would vote for Grimes. Is that likely, or do you think they can’t yet admit that they’ll vote Republican?