Discussion: McConnell's Primary Challenger: Dem Grimes Just Running On Being A Woman

Discussion for article #222457

These Tea party folks campaign by just opening their mouths and sticking their foot right in it. Idiots, all of them.


Don’t underestimate the power of not being McConnell (or Bevin, for that matter). Ask Barack Obama how far not being the other guy can go.


oddly enough, mr. bevins fails to enumerate exactly how he beats ms. grimes. I guess he’s keeping that a secret, until after he wins the primary.


What a shame Kentucky’s general election voters will never get a chance to choose between this guy and Lundergren Grimes.


I am not from Kentucky, but from the outside Grimes has more going for her than being a woman. She is a lot smarter than Bevin. She has a whole host of positive positions. She can shoot a rifle better than Mitch McConnell.


So early in the campaign, and already Bevin has abandoned any effort at pushing the issues, and is going for the personal instead. Sounds like an empty vessel to me.


Couldn’t have said that better myself. Well done.


damn, these guys just have absolutely no clue. it’s amazing… you’d think they’d have a friend or two who could pull them aside and tell them they’re fucking idiots.


Apparently, Bevin has made a calculation that whose who are female and vote for the Republican Party (in Kentucky or anywhere else) are perfectly comfortable with those remarks.

He must be right, as most polling data I have read today indicate that it will be nearly impossible to unseat Republican House members and that the Republicans are slated to take the Senate in 2014.

What a senseless misogynist little hockey puck…He is running as a little white male cretin of the teapub persuasion - no brains, morals, or ethics!!


…as if he’s not running on being a may-un…

being stupid is just expected in his case.


No woman problem in the GOP - No sirreee! Way to dis a well-educated, experienced, accomplished and perfectly qualified candidate who just happens to be a woman. But, Benghazi, you know.

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Perfect TeaPub candidate…

No, she’s running on the fact that she’s a human being, instead of a drooling moron or a soulless lizard creature, like Bevin and McConnell…


Please proceed, Gomer.

And he’s running on “I’m juvenile; I’m some variation of a dude; I’m naive; and I’m not the offspring of turtles.” Putz…

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That’s OK Mr. Bevin. It is quite evident your candidacy is “based solely on you being an asshole.”
Please Proceed Mr. Bevin.

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Actually I think Grimes has a shot at McConnell this fall. Bevin is probably going down in the primary.

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“She runs on four things. She runs on some variation of: she’s young, she’s new, is a woman, and she’s not Mitch McConnell. That’s essentially what she’s got,”

Um dude she’s the Sec of State of KY