Discussion: McConnell's Emerging O'care Repeal Plan: Pass Anything, Punt To House!

Nothing but a bunch of cowards. You liars voted twice, a little over a year and half ago, for a clean repeal of Obamacare, not a “skinny repeal”, so the minimum that should be expected by your voters is the very bill you passed twice in 2015. The alternative would be to grow a pair and have a press conference and admit that your previous votes were BS and they you really had no intentions of repealing Obamacare and then either let Obamacare fail or work with Democrats to fix the problems with it.


Insurance companies would scream bloody murders if they simply scrapped the individual and employer mandates. It would kill the entire industry.
Works for me!!


Exactly. This isn’t like the past 7 years under Pres. Obama where they could dick around with repeal votes knowing it would die once it hit his desk. This thing will truly become a zombie bill, ping ponging back and forth between both chambers until the Dems retake the House next year. Absolute madness.

Let it die and try desperately to move on to something else. Get the tax breaks for the 1% via some other route.

  1. Repeal the individual mandate.
  2. Crater the individual insurance markets.
  3. Leave Medicaid in place.
  4. Single-payer???

Then you are an idiot.

People’s lives depend on insurance. You can’t simply kill it foff without seamlessly moving people into a system that covers them and their healthcare.

This is not a fucking game.


Hell, they could simply cut bait and craft a bipartisan fix to the ACA and call it “repeal” and move on.


But wait … isn’t that exactly what the House did. After their first failure, they said, “Let’s just pass this bag of flaming dog poo, go drop it on the front porch of the Senate, ring the bell, and run away.” They aren’t going to be best pleased if they get the same sack of shit back.


They have been talking like this for 7 years now, and the American people continue to put them in charge. I’ll admit to being baffled.


Dawn of the Dead (Bill)

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“bipartisan”… there inlies the rub. these arsonists have hamstrung themselves for so long they can’t even begin to look across the aisle without having to spit at them, let alone get any bipartisanship going…
I don’t know how we get past this, and I’m worried that this method will be the new normal from the right hand side of things in terms of legislative process. we have a long difficult path out of this swamp.


I really don’t understand why they don’t do just that. Craft a bipartisan fix to the ACA and then tell everyone that they (Republicans) alone saved the American Health Care Industry from the “disaster” of Democrat run Obamacare. Trump could crow about how great he is, etc., etc. I would think politically it would go over well.

This hunk of shit has already damaged them, and it will only get worse the more they push it.

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This is like hot potato political edition

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Because that would make too much sense


You forgot a step between 3 and 4: “Tens of millions lose health insurance and millions die from otherwise preventable and/or treatable conditions.”

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Craft a bipartisan fix to the ACA and then tell everyone that they (Republicans) alone saved the American Health Care Industry from the “disaster” of Democrat run Obamacare.

They really can’t do what you say which is total common sense.

At this point, the Rethugs have labeled and continue to think of Dems as the enemy. All legislation from the Dems has to be scrapped even if nothing acceptable can be put in its place. As so many have said before, the Rethugs aren’t a political Party anymore; they’re a cult.


What a farce. These GOP scum have no souls.


More of a death cult.

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Is this McConnell’s way of punishing Paul Ryan for putting the Senate on the spot like this?


They could get Manachin a few other red-state Dems to play ball. It would be fucked up legislation that would be a disaster policy-wise but would spread the stink and get them out of their corner they painted themselves into.

They could pat themselves on the back for being “serious adults” and “statesmen” andget years of Sunday show invites and Broder tongue baths.

Very good question. And just as good a question: what happens to a 3-legged stool when you knock out one of the legs? There were very good reasons for a mandate. If you insist that insurers have to cover everyone, regardless of preexisting conditions, the mandate is necessary. Otherwise, far too many people just wait until they have a life-threatening illness, at which point they purchase insurance.

And it’s at that point the real death spiral begins.