Discussion: McConnell Uses Zika Crisis To Hound HHS On Obamacare Spending

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"…claiming big financial losses driven by a risk pool sicker than expected.

Hmm, well, now might be a good time to tell us about that Obamacare replacement you all have had 6 years to come up with and how it’s going to take care of these sicker than expected people.



Nice try ahole. You don’t do YOUR job so you troll around to conflate apples and oranges to blame others for NOT doing your job. All the while people are sick and getting sicker…quite a human being you are…


“If the Administration has identified alternative sources of funding for
this Obamacare advertising campaign, wouldn’t those funds be better
allocated to other public health priorities, such as Zika prevention,
response, and treatment activities?” McConnell wrote.
Mitch. Obama came to Congress asking for several billion dollars to fight Zika. You sat on your ass, then went on a 7 week vacation. People are ill in Puerto Rico and you don’t give a shit. Advertizong doesn’t need 2-3 Billion dollars but fighting this dangerous virus does. Should mother with microcephalic babies camp on your door step to get the point across?


The Strange and Possibly Sordid Story of Mitch McConnell’s Military Service


Asshole was against spending funds for the Zika virus before he was for it. Also the zika money is a completely different color…i thought.

Oh man i really hope yurtle goes down on Nov 8th…please.


How about if Mitch and his cronies make a little personal sacrifice if they are so worried about zika victims? Perhaps they could donate their salaries for a year? five years of pension? a percentage of their travel budgets? volunteer to pay 2% additional in taxes? The American public, your constituents, are waiting . . . .

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If Mitch Connell didn’t exist, he would have to be created in a special, secret lab funded by Blackstone Group, Kindred Healthcare, Humana et al.



Good thinking
Everybody knows that people that contact the zika virus don’t need health insurance


To borrow a phrase from the Drumpf, give me a break! How about if Mitch and his lazy cronies get off their butts and come back from their seven-week taxpayer paid vacation and pass the Zika funding bill that has been sitting on their desks for nearly two months?

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Mitch , your ball sack is dragging on the ground from those big brass balls you got.
It is my sincere hope you will be playing the eunuch come November


Slow, stupid and Republican is no way to go through life, Mitch.


Interesting that the link (in bright letters) points out that organizations didn’t give any money, employees and pac’s did. I just bet’cha bosses said to their underlings “If ya wanna keep yer stinkin’ job ya better fork over a check, buddy”


“why it believes that such funds would be better spent propping up the failed Obamacare exchanges than other important public health priorities - such as preventing the spread of Zika.”

A turtle this corrupt and disingenuous I wouldn’t even use for turtle soup for fear of food poisoning…

… but I’d happily de-shell him and leave him in the middle of a freeway facing down an 18-wheeler…

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wouldn’t phase him in the least, darr… a soulless douche through and through…


He’s a rare example of shamelessness taken to the extreme of clinical pathology.

He really, truly just doesn’t give a shit how many extra babies are born with horrific birth defects because of his obstruction as long as he can score a few petty, partisan points.


It wouldn’t surprise me at all if republicans use zika birth defects as a cudgel against democrats, come november. The stupid-ass press let them use ebola fear mongering to crank up 2014 midterm numbers in their favor.


Hay there Mr. Turtle don’t you ever get tired of not doing your job and then blaming your incompetence on President Obama.

Why don’t you stop whining and pass Zika funding and confirm a Justice to the SCOUS while you are at it. It would be a start on earning your pay.


McConnell and the likes of him totally, totally deserve Trump. The problem is we don’t. But if it were possible I would be happy to get the two despicable beasts (one of them a turtle, mind you) a room…

… and lock them up there forever for the sake of humanity.


Crisis management for the GOP is: “How can we create and manage a crisis in such a manner and by such means as to be politically beneficial to us and our donors.”?