Discussion: McConnell Uses Mueller Report To Place Blame On Obama

WI, PA and MI are not in the South.

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Death is not good enough. I want him to suffer. A lot.

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I know. Itā€™s funny, as an agnostic verging on atheist I sure donā€™t see any cosmic mechanism to reward or punish people for what they do in this life. And yet there does seem to be karma. I hope he pays. But Iā€™m not going to spend much time on it. He will, or he wonā€™t. :expressionless:

Not nuts, just plain Evil, Princes of Lies, Satanic deceivers ā€¦ and whether you are religious or not, Evil spirit lives deep in the human psyche, and Republicans have conjured up this power, have become one with it, gleefully relish in its mischievousness, sowing discord and chaos ā€¦ and the greatest deception of all is that Satan has them believing they are acting for the greater glory of their one true God while in fact they are serving him [cue the Satanic laughter] ā€¦ it does seem nuts.

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Oh, we may be talking two different terminologies about this.

I understand systemic bias, and nothing about law (apparentlyā€¦ ahem) but the Constitution existentially stands against the centralization of power. Iā€™m certain thatā€™s the driving force of the old conservative movement, morphing intoā€¦ god-knows-whatā€¦ donating to the Republican Party, had exactly that purpose. For one, it was fundamentally racist.

You canā€™t blame Democrats for not anticipating an unpatriotic conspiracy meant to take over the definition and application of law.

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