Discussion: McConnell: Trump's Personal Insults 'Ought To Stop'<span class="post-datetimes">

"I don’t think it adds any value whatsoever to the discourse. It is something about him that I don’t care for,” he said, in comments first picked up by Buzzfeed.

You’re right Mitch, it doesn’t add a damned thing to the discourse. In fact in ruins civility. But Mitch you gotta understand something…Donald has a personality disorder and he cannot change without serious interventional therapy which he is very resistant to. The evidence od his disorder is everywhere for all to see who have eyes to see. His insecurity, narcissism and excessively thin skin are on full display and I submit that they’re very dangerous things to have in a POTUS. You understand this I am sure. And guess what Mitch, you are one of the few who could do something about this potential walking disaster.


And the system in our party is right of center.

Wow, who knew David Duke was a centrist?

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Better 'n what he’ll be spitting out if Trump wins.

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We know that Hillary Clinton will be four more years just like the last eight," McConnell said…Oh you mean with obstructionism and whining about how they aren’t ACTING LIKE a Republican???

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May I add to the discussion?


“They ought to stop.” But they won’t and the RNC deserves what they get for nominating this fascist buffoon. He’s your Frankenstein now.

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Hire that McConnell guy for Hillary’s campaign: put him in charge of SLOGANS!

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“He won. He got the most votes. And I think we need to respect the process.”

Unless the winner is a Democrat and black. In which case you’ll back stab him before he gets a chance to unpack, obstructing him at every turn, calling him every filthy name in the book.


Four years like the last eight only by McDickface continued intransigence. By his own admission the president is not a dictator and is restricted by the structure of our system except when being blamed for the results of GOP obstruction.

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Actually, Trump is the political version of Liberace.

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Nah—Liberace had talent under all that glitz and fur.

Trump just has the glitz and fur.


Your killing me

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“And also look. What is the alternative? We know that Hillary Clinton will be four more years just like the last eight,” McConnell said, “Record economic growth and stock market gains, unemployment continuing to decline and expanded carry rights for gun owners, it is a wonderful alternative! I’m sorry, I got lost in my own thoughts, what is my problem with Obama again?”


The obvious follow-up here is to apply his standards to Hillary. Senator, can’t the same be said for Hillary?

“I think [s]he will have to operate in what I call the right-of-center
world,” he McConnell[sic]. “And that includes a lot of people like Ryan,
myself, and others who clearly are conservatives. The president is not a
dictator in our country. You can’t just do whatever you want to, you
have to work in the system. And the system in our party is right of

Sorry buddy…you broke it, you bought it.

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And while we’re speaking of oughts, Sen. McConnell, you ought to be holding hearings on President Obama’s Supreme Court nomination.


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But Mitch, you are spineless, thats why you became republican in the first place, spineless Mitch, Mitch the Bitch of Trump the Chump