Discussion: McConnell: Trump Will Sign Border Deal As He Declares Emergency For Wall

Thanks for the clarification.

Krusteaz Bunny needs explanation.

Public campaign financing and Medicare for All.

An actual bunny with a pancake on its head (no abuse was used or intended toward the bunny). Further explanation would ruin the zen of the image.


Seems to be suicidal, doesn’t he?


Yup. Use a dim-witted Dutch Communist as the scapegoat. Try and execute.

Wonder where the Republicans can find someone that dim-witted in DC?

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Yes. McConnell once again sold his soul to Trump to get through another day. Had to jollie Trump up to get his signature, to avoid another government shutdown.

He can say anything now. However, will he take the nuclear step of refusing to hold a vote when the House passes a bill to override the declaration?

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I decided on comfort food and got some Mueller’s mac and cheese from the Dollar Store.

But the box I got from the store looked looked different. I think it might be a knock-off. Check out these cooking instructions:

Cook on slow heat until underlings flip on higher ups, or until indictments are unsealed.

Slowly pour in flavor packet containing superceding charges from Special Counsel’s Office; indictments from Southern District or NY Attorney General can be substituted.

Keep covered while grand jury is impaneled. Stir occasionally, add SCO report to Congress, and bring to a full boil.

Remove from heat and stir until sauce thickens or House Judiciary Committee files Articles of Impeachment.

Serves 320 million.


Apparently the SCOTUS ruled in 1983 that Congress does not have that authority. Any resolution they pass is required by the Constitution to go to the President.

A strategy that might have a better chance is to go to the SCOTUS with the argument that rescinding Congressional power to overrule the President invalidates the entire National Emergency declaration law. They might agree.

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you would have thought he would have his picture taken with the giant check like publisher’s clearing house today…

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I don’t care if he is. McConnell, Pence et al are treasonous hagfish for letting this happen.


A flap jack rabbit

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A flap jack rabbit.



Two key points, Tena, and the latter continues to astonish this graybeard.


On Funk and Wagnall’s porch.

Me too. I’m not just astonished, I’m really grateful.


This is exactly the argument I sketched out. But the difference is that it will be an “as applied” challenge, saying that the act, with the “change” to it by the SCOTUS is unconstitutional as applied in this case.

There is a very, very good argument why this is so. Congress did not intend to give up its power of the purse and be unable to take it back like this. As such, the act is unconstitutional as used in this case.

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Yes, grateful for true leadership, which rather than suppressing or alienating young stars learns from them.


BTW, amid all the speculation here about how it will play out, he hasn’t actually signed a NEA declaration yet, has he? The border deal hasn’t been finished and signed yet either. Could this be just a trial balloon to gauge the blow-back?